"shaun thornburgh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/24/2005 
07:35:03 AM:

> >To: "shaun thornburgh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >CC: mysql@lists.mysql.com
> >Subject: Re: 2 Joins in 1 Query
> >Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 12:20:05 -0400
> >
> >"shaun thornburgh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/23/2005
> >10:18:29 AM:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > The following query produces the number of bookings per project 
> >by
> > > week:
> > >
> > > SELECT WEEK(Booking_Start_Date) AS "WEEK",
> > > SUM(IF(B.Project_ID = "23", 1,0)) AS `Project A`,
> > > SUM(IF(B.Project_ID = "42", 1,0)) AS `Project B`
> > > FROM Bookings B INNER JOIN Projects P USING (Project_ID)
> > > WHERE B.Booking_Type = "Booking"
> > > AND DATE_FORMAT(B.Booking_Start_Date, "%Y-%m-%d") >= '2005-01-01'
> > > AND DATE_FORMAT(B.Booking_Start_Date, "%Y-%m-%d") <= '2005-12-31'
> > >
> > > The problem with this is that if I have no bookings for week 42 for
> >example
> > > then that week is not shown in the result. To get round this I 
created a
> >
> > > table called Weeks that contains all the week numbers for the year.
> > >
> > > However I am not sure how I can join Weeks to Bookings so that all 
> >weeks
> > > show.
> > >
> > > Any healp would be greatly appreciated.
> > >
> > > TABLE DEF'S:
> > >
> > > mysql> desc Bookings;
> > > +---------------------------------------------+-------------+------
> > > +-----+---------------------+----------------+
> > > | Field                                       | Type        | Null | 
> >|
> > > Default             | Extra          |
> > > +---------------------------------------------+-------------+------
> > > +-----+---------------------+----------------+
> > > | Booking_ID                                  | int(11)     |      | 
> >|
> > > NULL                | auto_increment |
> > > | Booking_Type                                | varchar(15) |      | 
> > > Unavailability      |                |
> > > | User_ID                                     | int(11)     |      | 
| 0
> >
> > >                    |                |
> > > | Project_ID                                  | int(11)     | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > | Rep_ID                                      | int(11)     | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > | Practice_ID                                 | int(11)     | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > | Booking_Creator_ID                          | int(11)     | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > | Booking_Creation_Date                       | datetime    | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > | Booking_Start_Date                          | datetime    |      | 
> > > 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |                |
> > > | Booking_End_Date                            | datetime    |      | 
> > > 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |                |
> > > | Booking_Completion_Date                     | date        | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > | Booking_Mileage                             | int(5)      | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > | Booking_Status                              | varchar(15) |      | 
> > > Other               |                |
> > > | Unavailability_ID                           | int(2)      | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > | Task_ID                                     | int(11)     | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > | Work_Type_ID                                | int(2)      | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > | Additional_Notes                            | text        | YES  | 
> > > NULL                |                |
> > > +---------------------------------------------+-------------+------
> > > +-----+---------------------+----------------+
> > > 22 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> > >
> > > mysql> desc Projects;
> > > +----------------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------
> > > +----------------+
> > > | Field                      | Type         | Null | Key | Default |
> >Extra
> > >         |
> > > +----------------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------
> > > +----------------+
> > > | Project_ID                 | int(11)      |      | PRI | NULL    |
> > > auto_increment |
> > > | Project_Name               | varchar(100) |      |     |         |
> > >         |
> > > | Client_ID                  | int(11)      |      |     | 0       |
> > >         |
> > > +----------------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------
> > > +----------------+
> > > 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> > >
> > > mysql> desc Weeks;
> > > +-------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> > > | Field       | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
> > > +-------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> > > | Week_ID     | int(11) |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
> > > | Week_Number | int(11) |      |     | 0       |                |
> > > +-------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> > > 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> > >
> > > mysql>
> > >
> > >
> >I think you need just think about what you want and what may or may not
> >exist as data, then you can figure out which JOINs are LEFT and which 
> >INNER.  You want one row for each week regardless of whether you have a
> >Project or a Booking. That makes the Weeks table mandatory. There may 
> >weeks that do not have any Bookings. That makes Bookings the right side 
> >a LEFT JOIN. Because the existence of a Projects is dependent on the
> >existence of a Booking, it too is LEFT JOINED into the query. If you 
> >to ensure that you only get records that have Projects, check for a
> >Project-table value in your WHERE clause. That means the <table 
> >portion of your query should look like
> >
> >
> >
> >And that means your whole query translates to:
> >
> >SELECT w.Week_Number as "WEEK",
> >         SUM(IF(B.Project_ID = "23", 1,0)) AS `Project A`,
> >         SUM(IF(B.Project_ID = "42", 1,0)) AS `Project B`
> >FROM Weeks w
> >LEFT Bookings b
> >         on WEEK(b.Booking_Start_Date) = w.Week_Number
> >         AND b.Booking_Type = "Booking"
> >LEFT JOIN Projects p
> >         ON p.Project_Id = b.Project_ID
> >WHERE B.Booking_Start_Date >= '2005-01-01'
> >AND B.Booking_Start_Date < '2006-01-01'
> >
> >I moved your check for Booking_Type = "Booking" into your JOIN so that
> >there is the possibility of using an INDEX during the JOIN ( I could 
> >possibly moved your date range checks there too. You might also try 
> >just to see which query works faster)
> >
> >I also changed your WHERE conditions to compare date values to date
> >values. You were converting everything into strings which is doing it 
> >hard way. A date value with no time value equates to MIDNIGHT of that 
> >I hope you can see why my WHERE clause is equivalent to your old one
> >except I believe mine will work much faster as there could be an index 
> >Booking_Start_Date. (Next time, use SHOW CREATE TABLE xxxx\G instead of
> >DESCRIBE xxx. The output contains all indexes and foreign keys not just
> >the column definitions)
> >
> >Shawn Green
> >Database Administrator
> >Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
> Hi Shaun,
> Thanks for your reply. The query works fine however I have to take out 
> following line:
> AND B.Booking_Type = 'Booking'
> If it is left in i get missing weeks. I have tried it in the following 
> SELECT w.Week_Number as "WEEK",
>        SUM(IF(B.Project_ID = "23", 1,0)) AS `Project A`,
>        SUM(IF(B.Project_ID = "42", 1,0)) AS `Project B`
> FROM Weeks w
> LEFT JOIN Bookings B
>         ON WEEK(B.Booking_Start_Date) = w.Week_Number
>         AND B.Booking_Type = 'Booking'
> LEFT JOIN Projects P
>         ON P.Project_ID = B.Project_ID
> WHERE B.Booking_Start_Date >= '2005-01-01'
> AND B.Booking_Start_Date < '2006-01-01'
> SELECT w.Week_Number as "WEEK",
>        SUM(IF(B.Project_ID = "23", 1,0)) AS `Project A`,
>        SUM(IF(B.Project_ID = "42", 1,0)) AS `Project B`
> FROM Weeks w
> LEFT JOIN Bookings B
>         ON WEEK(B.Booking_Start_Date) = w.Week_Number
> LEFT JOIN Projects P
>         ON P.Project_ID = B.Project_ID
> WHERE B.Booking_Start_Date >= '2005-01-01'
> AND B.Booking_Start_Date < '2006-01-01'
> AND B.Booking_Type = 'Booking'
> Do you have any ideas why this is happening?

I am afraid I do. I was in such a rush to finish the query I forgot to 
"logic-check" myself against your needs. If a table is "optional" in a 
query then it will have NULL values for the rows where it doesn't match 
up. What I did was _require_ data in the final results by putting some 
conditions on that optional table (Bookings) in the WHERE clause. That 
meant that you can't get any rows where Bookings.<anycolumn> is null (the 
weeks without bookings). D'OH!

Try it this way

SELECT w.Week_Number as "WEEK",
        SUM(IF(B.Project_ID = "23", 1,0)) AS `Project A`,
        SUM(IF(B.Project_ID = "42", 1,0)) AS `Project B`
FROM Weeks w
LEFT JOIN Bookings B
        ON WEEK(B.Booking_Start_Date) = w.Week_Number
        AND B.Booking_Type = 'Booking'
        AND B.Booking_Start_Date >= '2005-01-01'
        AND B.Booking_Start_Date < '2006-01-01'
LEFT JOIN Projects P
        ON P.Project_ID = B.Project_ID

Doing it this way, you will see every row of your WEEKS table plus 
optionally any matching data from your Bookings table for 'Booking' 
records within a certain date range, and any Projects that match to those 

In order to limit your results to a certain range of weeks, add a WHERE 
clause like:

WHERE w.Week_Number BETWEEN 26 and 53

Make sense? I should have thought it through a little better and avoided 
this confusion. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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