I am about to begin development on a website which manages the availability
of a cello teacher and lessons that students have signed up for. Currently,
I have two tables:


Availability (date, startTime, endTime) - This table stores time spans that
people can sign up for lessons


Lessons (date, startTime, endTime) - This table stores each lesson. A lesson
can begin at times of 5 minute intervals (5:30, 5:35, etc) and will vary in
length between 30 and 60 minutes.



I will be accessing the database with PHP. I want to get a list of all
available time slots (spots at least 30 minutes long which fall within a
time span in Availability and are not occupied by Lessons.) I will need to
determine open slots for 2-4 weeks in one page call. Ideally I'd like to
keep the processing within mySQL because if I have to load all the lessons
into arrays in PHP to determine openings, it will slow it down considerably.
You may assume that I will be using mySQL 4.1.x (in case you need subselects
for the solution). Thanks so much!



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