On 5/28/05, Terence wrote:
> Master ID is used to distinguish multiple helpdesks. In this table there
> are 100k records, but only 10 distinct master_id's.
> ticket_id   master_id
> 1               1
> 2               1
> 3               2
> 4               2
> 5               3
> ...              ...

> FROM helpdesk_tickets ht, helpdesk_category_master hcm,
> helpdesk_sub_category_master hscm
> WHERE ht.master_id = '1'
> AND ht.category_id = hcm.category_id
> AND ht.sub_category_id = hscm.sub_category_id
> ORDER BY ticket_id DESC
> LIMIT 0,10

With proper foreign keys all tickets are guaranteed to match
categories and subcategories. That means you can push down the LIMIT
to just the helpdesk_tickets table:

    SELECT *
    FROM helpdesk_tickets
    WHERE master_id = 1
   ORDER BY ticket_id DESC
   LIMIT 0,10)
  NATURAL JOIN helpdesk_category_master
  NATURAL JOIN helpdesk_sub_category_master

With an index on (master_id, ticket_id) this should (nearly) constant-time.

> I have thought of options such as using temporary tables to just grab
> the last 10 tickets and then do an IN query, however I need to display
> totals, so that would require me to run the query again.

At which point does running the query again become faster then your
current method?


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