Hi All,


I'm trying to get data from Active Directory and storing in database. So I
have the following tables with their corresponding primary keys:


Group               (GroupID)

Host                 (HostID)

User                 (UserID)

GroupMember    (GroupID, MemberID)


The relations between them according to Active Directory should be as


1)       Host and user can be in one or more groups

2)       Groups can be in one or more groups


I was trying to implement these relations through Db constraints. I wanted
HostID and UserID should refer to MemberID as Primary Key.


My problems is a foreign key field cannot refer to a part of primary key, so

1)       I should add GroupID in Host and User table, which will be
redundancy of data, or

2)       Instead of adding a new field, I should not have any relations in
the database and just implement it in code.


I have tried with three different designs, but all of them have some issues.
I tied to add a new table just for Member that would store unique memberID.
Does it seem like an overhead? I don't if I can just do with existing table
or not. 


I read some articles online, some of them say it's good to implement
relations from DB and some say to reduce overhead, relations can be
implemented from code. What would the best database practice that you would


I'll appreciate any help



Reema Duggal Troiana
Senior Software Developer
BitArmor Systems, Inc.
357 North Craig Street
Ground Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
[TEL] 412-682-2200 Ext 314
[FAX] 412-682-2201


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