Mark Sargent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/03/2005 03:04:23 AM:

> Hi All,

> I'm not sure the best design approach for a product table for a number
> of different hardware devices. Some devices have IP, Port, CPU, Memory
> specs, whilst some don't. Current desing is below.

> Products:
> product_id
> product_name
> maker_id
> controller_id
> product_type_id
> product_model_number
> product_serial_number
> product_age
> condition_id
> product_price
> product_sold_price
> product_sold
> product_auctioned
> product_qty
> product_last_updated
> product_data_output
> product_desc

> ProductTypes:
> product_type_id
> product_type_detail

> Makers:
> maker_id
> maker_detail

> Some products we'll have are, switches/routers/dedicated
> servers/firewalls etc. Should I just make a Specs table, or, specific
> table for each type of product.? Appreciate any thoughts on this. 

> Mark Sargent.

In my opinion, you have identified the "core" descriptors for any product 
already (your Products table). Now what you need to be able to provide is 
a list of descriptors and their values: (# of ports, 16), (# of cpus,2), 
(# expansion bays,6), (expansion option 1, TELCO-card), etc....

That kind of flexible design (where you are not limited to the number of 
extra items you can tack onto a Product) fits best into it's own, 
vertically organized table (ProductFeatures, below)

        feature_id int auto_increment primary key
        , feature varchar(75) not null 
        , UNIQUE (feature)

CREATE TABLE ProductFeatures (
        prodfeat_id int auto_increment primary key
        , product_id int not null
        , feature_id int not null
        , value varchar(255)
        , UNIQUE(product_id, feature_id)
        , KEY(feature_id)
        , FOREIGN KEY (product_ID) References  Products(product_id)
        , FOREIGN KEY (feature_ID) References  Features(feature_id)

Just to keep your data (and your GUI design) more manageable, I normalized 
the list of possible features into their own table. That way you don't 
have someone typing in "# of ports" for one product and "port count" for 
another. The UNIQUE index on the ProductFeatures should help to prevent 
having more than 1 of the same feature described for the same product. The 
FK constraints prevents you from adding non-existent features to a product 
that may or may not exist.

Just my 2 cents...

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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