
MySQL on 64-bit AMD rises lots of questions. There is an Opteron HOWTO



I can't give any advice except sending to the list the output of SHOW 

STATUS and SHOW PROCESSLIST statements performed when MySQL uses a lot 

of memory. If you  able check your test on MySQL 4.1.12.

Joe Kislo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>        So we have recently started stress testing Mysql on an Opteron dual CPU

> machine running Ubuntu Hoary.  We are using the 64-bit GCC

> 4.0.24-standard binary from mysql.  The stress test that I'm currently

> running on it involves inserting a large database (from a mysqldump)

> from three separate windows (so three imports running simultaneously). 

> The database dump is about 3.7 gigs uncompressed, or 580megs

> compressed.  It was dumped using the following dump parameters:

> --add-locks --extended-insert --quick --lock-tables --all --disable-keys


> Each window has as script that creates a database, imports the data,

> dumps the database, and repeats.


> After about 12 cycles (each take about an hour) mysql starts spewing

> these errors:


> ERROR 1041 at line 195: Out of memory;  Check if mysqld or some other

> process uses all available memory. If not you may have to use 'ulimit'

> to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space


> I, unfortunately, have not been at the server when this actually

> happens, however when I come in in the morning top is reporting mysqld

> taking up between 2.7 gigs and 3.2 gigs of memory.  I have had a vmstat

> running all night, and at no point saw the system run out of swap space

> (it did over the course of the 15 hours or so, slowly hit swap up for

> about 60megs out of 2 gigs though).  


> Obviously checking ulimit was my first stop, however I believe MySQLd

> does it's own setuid... And I'm not sure it uses PAM to get it's initial

> ulimits.  Either way, I do this:


> su mysql -s /bin/sh

> sh-3.00$ ulimit -a


> core file size        (blocks, -c) 0

> data seg size         (kbytes, -d) unlimited

> file size             (blocks, -f) unlimited

> max locked memory     (kbytes, -l) unlimited

> max memory size       (kbytes, -m) unlimited

> open files                    (-n) 8192

> pipe size          (512 bytes, -p) 8

> stack size            (kbytes, -s) 8192

> cpu time             (seconds, -t) unlimited

> max user processes            (-u) unlimited

> virtual memory        (kbytes, -v) unlimited


> Which implies it should be able to alloc quite a bit of memory without

> problem.  


> So my first question, is it appears to be "konking" out around 4 gigs of

> memory.  Is there some reason why mysqld can't allocate more than

> 4gigs?  I confirmed I *am* running the 64-bit binary:


> file /usr/sbin/mysqld

> /usr/sbin/mysqld: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1

> (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs),

> stripped


> This system has 4 gigs of memory in it. So if it tried to allocate

>>4gigs, it would have had to hit swap up harder than 60megs.  It seems

> like mysqld is hitting the 32bit allocation limit, but that doesn't

> particularly make sense to me.  Anybody have their mysqld allocating

>>4gigs?  Anything else I can try here?


> The second thing is, I have no idea why mysql is taking up so much

> memory.  For the first 5 runs or so, mysql only allocates about 800

> megs.  Sometime during the night, is when it jumps up in memory.. I

> don't really understand why if it didn't need 3+ gigs of memory after

> the first 5 complete runs (x3 of course... since there's 3 running in

> parallel), it would suddenly need more later.


> Either way, lets do some math.  Mysql is 2.7 gigs this morning, which is

> about half a gig less than yesterday morning.


> 2.7 gigs


> Key buffer: 512m

> Tmp Table: 128m

> sort buffer size: 512m

> join buffer size: 512m

> query cache: 256m


> KeyBuffer=512m, I could see that possibly not being returned.. So lets

> assume 512M there.  There are no threads connected at the moment because

> I have shutdown the test, so tmptable should take up 0, but lets say it

> didn't return 3x128M (384M).  Sort buffer size is 512M, well it may have

> used that for the alter table XXXX activate keys... and never returned

> it, so 512M there.  Join buffer size, not a single select query was used

> ever, 0M.  Query cache, 0M.  3x16M max packet.


> So I see 512M+384+512M+48M=1.4gigs.  I have no idea why mysql is using

> this much memory... especially after it successfully performs 5 cycles

> with considerably less.


> Any ideas?


> here's the my.cnf


> [mysqld]

> user            = mysql

> pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid

> socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

> port            = 3306

> basedir         = /usr

> datadir         = /var/lib/mysql

> tmpdir          = /tmp

> language        = /usr/share/mysql/english


> skip-external-locking


> key_buffer              = 512M

> tmp_table_size          = 128M

> max_connections         = 2000

> max_connect_errors      = 999999999

> table_cache             = 1024

> myisam_max_sort_file_size=2048M

> myisam_sort_buffer_size =512M

> join_buffer_size        =512M

> sort_buffer             =512M


> max_allowed_packet      = 16M

> thread_stack            = 128K


> query_cache_limit       = 1M

> query_cache_size        = 256M

> query_cache_type        = 1


> skip-innodb


> and a show variables from a running server after a night's testing:

> mysql> show variables;

> +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

> | Variable_name                   |

> Value                                                                         
>                                                       |

> +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

> | back_log                        |

> 50                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | basedir                         |

> /usr/                                                                         
>                                                       |

> | binlog_cache_size               |

> 32768                                                                         
>                                                       |

> | bulk_insert_buffer_size         |

> 8388608                                                                       
>                                                       |

> | character_set                   |

> latin1                                                                        
>                                                       |

> | character_sets                  | latin1 big5 czech euc_kr gb2312 gbk

> latin1_de sjis tis620 ujis dec8 dos german1 hp8 koi8_ru latin2 swe7 usa7

> cp1251 danish hebrew win1251 estonia hungarian koi8_ukr win1251ukr greek

> win1250 croat cp1257 latin5 |

> | concurrent_insert               |

> ON                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | connect_timeout                 |

> 5                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | convert_character_set          

> |                                                                             
>                                                         |

> | datadir                         |

> /var/lib/mysql/                                                               
>                                                       |

> | default_week_format             |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | delay_key_write                 |

> ON                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | delayed_insert_limit            |

> 100                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | delayed_insert_timeout          |

> 300                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | delayed_queue_size              |

> 1000                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | flush                           |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | flush_time                      |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | ft_boolean_syntax               | +

> -><()~*:""&|                                                                  
>                                                     |

> | ft_min_word_len                 |

> 4                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | ft_max_word_len                 |

> 254                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | ft_max_word_len_for_sort        |

> 20                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | ft_stopword_file                |

> (built-in)                                                                    
>                                                       |

> | have_bdb                        |

> NO                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | have_crypt                      |

> YES                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | have_innodb                     |

> DISABLED                                                                      
>                                                       |

> | have_isam                       |

> YES                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | have_raid                       |

> NO                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | have_symlink                    |

> YES                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | have_openssl                    |

> NO                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | have_query_cache                |

> YES                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | init_file                      

> |                                                                             
>                                                         |

> | innodb_additional_mem_pool_size |

> 1048576                                                                       
>                                                       |

> | innodb_autoextend_increment     |

> 8                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | innodb_buffer_pool_size         |

> 8388608                                                                       
>                                                       |

> | innodb_data_file_path          

> |                                                                             
>                                                         |

> | innodb_data_home_dir           

> |                                                                             
>                                                         |

> | innodb_file_io_threads          |

> 4                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | innodb_force_recovery           |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | innodb_thread_concurrency       |

> 8                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  |

> 1                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | innodb_fast_shutdown            |

> ON                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | innodb_flush_method            

> |                                                                             
>                                                         |

> | innodb_lock_wait_timeout        |

> 50                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | innodb_log_arch_dir            

> |                                                                             
>                                                         |

> | innodb_log_archive              |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | innodb_log_buffer_size          |

> 1048576                                                                       
>                                                       |

> | innodb_log_file_size            |

> 5242880                                                                       
>                                                       |

> | innodb_log_files_in_group       |

> 2                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | innodb_log_group_home_dir      

> |                                                                             
>                                                         |

> | innodb_mirrored_log_groups      |

> 1                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct      |

> 90                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | innodb_max_purge_lag            |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | innodb_table_locks              |

> ON                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | interactive_timeout             |

> 28800                                                                         
>                                                       |

> | join_buffer_size                |

> 536866816                                                                     
>                                                       |

> | key_buffer_size                 |

> 536870912                                                                     
>                                                       |

> | language                        |

> /usr/share/mysql/english/                                                     
>                                                       |

> | large_files_support             |

> ON                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | license                         |

> GPL                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | local_infile                    |

> ON                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | locked_in_memory                |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | log                             |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | log_update                      |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | log_bin                         |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | log_slave_updates               |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | log_slow_queries                |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | log_warnings                    |

> 1                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | long_query_time                 |

> 10                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | low_priority_updates            |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | lower_case_file_system          |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | lower_case_table_names          |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | max_allowed_packet              |

> 16776192                                                                      
>                                                       |

> | max_binlog_cache_size           |

> 4294967295                                                                    
>                                                       |

> | max_binlog_size                 |

> 1073741824                                                                    
>                                                       |

> | max_connections                 |

> 2000                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | max_connect_errors              |

> 999999999                                                                     
>                                                       |

> | max_delayed_threads             |

> 20                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | max_insert_delayed_threads      |

> 20                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | max_heap_table_size             |

> 16777216                                                                      
>                                                       |

> | max_join_size                   |

> 18446744073709551615                                                          
>                                                       |

> | max_relay_log_size              |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | max_seeks_for_key               |

> 4294967295                                                                    
>                                                       |

> | max_sort_length                 |

> 1024                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | max_user_connections            |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | max_tmp_tables                  |

> 32                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | max_write_lock_count            |

> 4294967295                                                                    
>                                                       |

> | myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size |

> 268435456                                                                     
>                                                       |

> | myisam_max_sort_file_size       |

> 2147483648                                                                    
>                                                       |

> | myisam_repair_threads           |

> 1                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | myisam_recover_options          |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | myisam_sort_buffer_size         |

> 536870912                                                                     
>                                                       |

> | net_buffer_length               |

> 16384                                                                         
>                                                       |

> | net_read_timeout                |

> 30                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | net_retry_count                 |

> 10                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | net_write_timeout               |

> 60                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | new                             |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | open_files_limit                |

> 10010                                                                         
>                                                       |

> | pid_file                        |

> /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid                                                    
>                                                       |

> | log_error                      

> |                                                                             
>                                                         |

> | port                            |

> 3306                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | protocol_version                |

> 10                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | query_alloc_block_size          |

> 8192                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | query_cache_limit               |

> 1048576                                                                       
>                                                       |

> | query_cache_size                |

> 268435456                                                                     
>                                                       |

> | query_cache_type                |

> ON                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | query_cache_wlock_invalidate    |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | query_prealloc_size             |

> 8192                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | range_alloc_block_size          |

> 2048                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | read_buffer_size                |

> 131072                                                                        
>                                                       |

> | read_only                       |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | read_rnd_buffer_size            |

> 262144                                                                        
>                                                       |

> | rpl_recovery_rank               |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | server_id                       |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | slave_net_timeout               |

> 3600                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | skip_external_locking           |

> ON                                                                            
>                                                       |

> | skip_networking                 |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | skip_show_database              |

> OFF                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | slow_launch_time                |

> 2                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | socket                          |

> /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock                                                   
>                                                       |

> | sort_buffer_size                |

> 536870904                                                                     
>                                                       |

> | sql_mode                        |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | table_cache                     |

> 1024                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | table_type                      |

> MYISAM                                                                        
>                                                       |

> | thread_cache_size               |

> 0                                                                             
>                                                       |

> | thread_stack                    |

> 131072                                                                        
>                                                       |

> | tx_isolation                    |

> REPEATABLE-READ                                                               
>                                                       |

> | timezone                        |

> EDT                                                                           
>                                                       |

> | tmp_table_size                  |

> 134217728                                                                     
>                                                       |

> | tmpdir                          |

> /tmp/                                                                         
>                                                       |

> | transaction_alloc_block_size    |

> 8192                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | transaction_prealloc_size       |

> 4096                                                                          
>                                                       |

> | version                         |

> 4.0.24-standard                                                               
>                                                       |

> | version_comment                 | Official MySQL-standard

> binary                                                                        
>                               |

> | version_compile_os              |

> unknown-linux-gnu                                                             
>                                                       |

> | wait_timeout                    |

> 28800                                                                         
>                                                       |

> +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

> 135 rows in set (0.01 sec)


> Thanks,

> -Joe




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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /    Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
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