> Hi,
> Have struggled with this all day, and didn't know where else to ask.
> If it's not appropriate to the list, I apologise - and advice or
> pointers would be brilliant, as my head is now hurting!
> So here's the situation:
> 3 tables.  f_u_groups f_groups and f_images
> f_u_groups contains the user's groups with the following columns:
> fuid, fugids, funame
> fuid is the primary key (auto incremented), funame is the name of the
> user-group and fuguids contains a comma-separated list of groups (eg
> 12,13,14,15).
> This column (fuguids) corresponds to the column gid (primary key) in
> f_groups.  In plain English, fuguids contains a list of groups (for
> each user), which are then listed in the table f_groups.
> When images are inserted into f_images (I'm using PHP, and mysql's
> "unique" index to prevent duplicates), I need to check against the
> other two tables to make sure that the *group* the image is labelled
> as is "active."  And by active, I mean whether a group is listed
> inside *any* of the comma-separated lists in fugids.
> To insert images, a loop is performed over the f_groups table - so
> this is where I need the "magic SQL" which I can't work out.  Loop
> over each row in the f_groups - check f_groups.gid *inside*
> f_u_groups.fugids.
> I thought IN would do it:
> SELECT group_name, gid, fugids
> FROM f_u_groups, f_groups
> WHERE gid
> IN (fugids)
> But that only cross-referenced the first number in the comma-list
> (fugids) with the groups from f_groups.  So it returned 2 group names.
> Sorry for the *MASSIVELY* and overtly-complicated message.  I hope it
> a) explains my problem and b) someone can decode it!
> PS incidentally, I could do this quite easily in PHP...using loops,
> and querying on each number in the lists.  But this is obviously
> massively ineffecient - up to 40 queries for just one simple request!
> --
> Will
> -- The Corridor of Uncertainty --
> --
> --
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Hi Will,
I think your're in a situtation like the example i give. The problem is work
with a join-like between int and varchar. The idea is to split the ugid to a
list of integers.

mysql> select * from groups;
| gid  |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
|   15 |
|    9 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from groupsList;
| ugid    |
| 1,2,3,4 |
| 2,5,6   |
| 3,4,5   |
| 7,4,9   |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT *
    -> FROM groups
    -> WHERE gid
    -> IN (select ugid from groupsList);
| gid  |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You can see that 15 is not found, but 9 also. This is because gid is an int, and
ugid is (certainly like yours) a varchar.
what i thought to di is transforming the list of varchar to an array in which
mysql must look for the gids.

I then write you this query which should give you the idea, and i think the
solution :

mysql> select gid,ugid,FIND_IN_SET(gid,ugid) from groups,groupsList
    -> where FIND_IN_SET(gid,ugid) > 0;
| gid  | ugid    | FIND_IN_SET(gid,ugid) |
|    1 | 1,2,3,4 |                     1 |
|    2 | 1,2,3,4 |                     2 |
|    3 | 1,2,3,4 |                     3 |
|    2 | 2,5,6   |                     1 |
|    3 | 3,4,5   |                     1 |
|    9 | 7,4,9   |                     3 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Et voilĂ .

Hope that helps

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