i am working on a database system where a number of tables (5-10) each with possibly hundreds of columns share an identical primary key name. the truth is if it weren't for a limitation in the number of columns in M$ Access (longgggg story: we're creating a client server scheme so they can get their Access DB for data analysis purposes post data collection)) these would be all one table.

since i need to use MySQL tables with a similar structure (long story), i would like to join these tables at the hip, so to speak, with a VIEW. however when i try to create said VIEW from a select/join, MySQL balks because the primary key name is the same in each table:

select * from id left join dia USING (mat) left join msa USING (mat) left join sq USING (mat)

is there a CREATE VIEW method i am missing for making this happen. yes, i can change all the key names to tablename_mat, but prefer not to, thats another long story. is there a join that makes all but one o fthe mat columns disappear? i have yet to find it. ( ON id.mat=dia.mat doesnt work either )

a corollary question: is there a limit to the number of columns in a VIEW? i know each InnoDB table (our engine choice for now) must be < 1000 columns. we are good there and also we are < 8000 bytes per record in each table. can a VIEW be wider than 8000 bytes?

many thanks

les schaffer

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