Howdy all,

I've noticed some strange behavior with the way that
mysql is choosing indexes with a particular query I'm
trying to optimize.

First off, I'm using MySQL 4.0.24 on MAC OSX.

I've got a table that I'm searching on based upon a
set of preferences. From one query to the next the set
of preferences may change (as well as the values of
the preferences). However, there are a couple of basic
preferences that all queries will have, so I created a
composite index on that set of preferenes (with the
least selective pref being the left most column in the
index and getting more restrictive going to the

I also have another index on the leftmost column
mentioned above because that field is a FK and MySQL
wouldn't let me use the comp index for the FK.

So, there are times when I actually want the single
column index to be used and other times the composite
key, based on how broad the preferences are. So far so
good. I added another index, to see if I could speed
things up even more and the query performance took a
nose dive (about a factor of 7 worse). When I ran the
explain I noticed that mysql changed the index that it
was using, but not to the new index (the third one).
Adding a fourth index made mysql select the orginal
index and performance was restored. My question is,
why is mysql choosing differet indexes based on the
presence of these new indices (that it chooses not to
use in place to the old indices)?

I got things back on track by just adding and removing
indices until things were working the way that I
wanted them to, but it seems really strange.



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