Hi All!

I have a MySQL database (I have them using MySql at work for more stuff
now!), and the definition is as follows:

 uid mediumint(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
ym varchar(6) default NULL,
fileid varchar(8) default NULL,
off char(3) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY  (`uid`)

uid is not really of importance for what I need - it is just a unique
identifier of records in the database.
The variables of importance are:

 I have YM (which is year/month and looks like this: 200503 for example) and
fileid (an 8 digit unique identifier of a person) and off (a three digit
identifier which is really just an office number)

The ym actually is fiscal and goes from 200404 to 200503.  I would like to
make a little report showing how many people have changed the office with
which they deal.  It would be a) transfers into an office or b) transfers
out of an office (of course leaving an office implies joining another one).
It is possible for people to stop dealing with these offices completely.  We
just want to know who has transferred to or from offices during this fiscal

Is it possible to do this with plain vanilla sql?  All I can come up with is
a loop using php, but I would love to know how to do it with just sql.  . .
I appreciate any time anyone has to consider this problem!

Thanks heaps!


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