I need to securely store lots of sensitive contact information and

notes in a (MySQL or other freely available) database that will be

stored on a database server which I do not have direct access to. 

This database will be accessed by a PHP application that I am

developing.  However, I also need to be able to search/sort these data

with the database functions (SELECT, ORDER BY, etc) so simple PASSWORD

style encryption

of specific fields would not work.  (For example, I need to encrypt

contacts' names, but need to be able to sort results by name). (I

realize I could load the entire table into memory with PHP and

process/search/sort it there, but

that's obviously not a very good solution).  Ideally I would like to

encrypt entire tables.  An encrypted file system is not really an

option, because the goal is to prevent loss if the database server is

hacked (in addition, I wouldn't be able to install an encrypted file

system on the database server).

Any suggestions?
Thanks much,

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