Joerg Bruehe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/14/2005 09:35:50 AM:

> Hi!
> Jochem van Dieten wrote:
> > On 7/14/05, Joerg Bruehe wrote:
> > 
> >>
> >>However, the online manual is not cloned, so while we are building 
> >>there can also be new text for 5.0.10 changes that gets integrated 
> >>the online manual, and this may become visible earlier than 5.0.9 gets
> >>published.
> > 
> > 
> > Why are the online manuals not cloned and versioned?
> That is a question to the Docs team.
> IMHO, a versioned _online_ manual would make things more complicated for 

> the (Web) visitor.
> > 
> > One of the things I like about the documentation of most other
> > databases compared to MySQL is that it is tightly coupled to a
> > specific version of the software. [[...]]
> AFAIK, exactly this will happen - but with the manual that is available 
> for download.
> IMO, users can/will download the manual for the version they are using, 
> but the online manual is also intended for those who want to get the 
> overview before they decide / select a version.
> Jörg
> -- 
> Joerg Bruehe, Senior Production Engineer

I know (by lurking on other lists) that the documentation team is 
currently forking the manual into 4.1 and below and 5.0 and above versions 
and cleaning up the text to be less confusing in each. I know (from past 
experience) that many version-specific manuals have been made as PDF 
files. One has been available for all recent releases. I do not know when 
this practice started so some older releases may not have PDF extracts of 
the manual availale. I am not sure where to find copies of them for the 
older versions.

I concede that it is not difficult to build a web site that serves 
different content based on some kind of key value (like version). While it 
would be possible to make the online manual version-sensitive but it would 
not be practical with the tools they are using today. Basically, each user 
would request a version specific page as they browsed through the manual 
but that would either require separate version-specific copies of the 
content organized in different directory trees (for static serving) or 
scripted pages (for dynamic serving). Both have their advantages and 
drawbacks. However, I do not believe that the documentation team has 
either the funding or the time to spend managing either kind of site as 
both would require MUCH more maintenance than their current process. 

It could be nice to have a version-sensitive online site but I like the 
fact that I do not need to cross-browse when migrating or managing 
different server versions, it's all on the same pages.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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