
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gleb]$ perror 12

OS error code  12:  Cannot allocate memory

Very often it is ulimits problem. Check if your server has enough memory

as well. The cause of problem sometime might be unofficial binaries. If

nothing helps, switch to binaries from MySQL AB.


> Hello everyone,


>        I have seen this message crop up recently when connections are

> denied:


> mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed

> error: 'Can't create a new thread (errno 12). If you are not out of

> available me mory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug'


> Unfortuantely, I haven't been able to find anything in the manual

> relating to this or an OS bug.  The server is running Debian 3.1,

> mysql 4.0.23, with kernel 2.6.7.


> I have the results of status and extended-status around the time of

> the outages:



> /var/log/apache# mysqladmin status

> Uptime: 63863  Threads: 14  Questions: 14224034  Slow queries: 8 Opens: 675  
> Fl

> ush tables: 1  Open tables: 64  Queries per second avg: 222.727

> /var/log/apache# mysqladmin status

> mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed

> error: 'Can't create a new thread (errno 12). If you are not out of

> available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug'

> /var/log/apache# mysqladmin status

> Uptime: 64007  Threads: 10  Questions: 14261583  Slow queries: 8

> Opens: 675  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 64

> Queries per second avg: 222.813



> /var/log/apache# mysqladmin extended-status

> +--------------------------+------------+

> | Variable_name            | Value      |

> +--------------------------+------------+

> | Aborted_clients          | 23226      |

> | Aborted_connects         | 28087      |

> | Bytes_received           | 1193761149 |

> | Bytes_sent               | 3902943211 |

> | Com_admin_commands       | 2          |

> | Com_alter_table          | 1          |

> | Com_analyze              | 0          |

> | Com_backup_table         | 0          |

> | Com_begin                | 0          |

> | Com_change_db            | 484513     |

> | Com_change_master        | 0          |

> | Com_check                | 73         |

> | Com_commit               | 0          |

> | Com_create_db            | 0          |

> | Com_create_function      | 0          |

> | Com_create_index         | 0          |

> | Com_create_table         | 1          |

> | Com_delete               | 826135     |

> | Com_delete_multi         | 0          |

> | Com_drop_db              | 0          |

> | Com_drop_function        | 0          |

> | Com_drop_index           | 0          |

> | Com_drop_table           | 0          |

> | Com_flush                | 0          |

> | Com_grant                | 0          |

> | Com_ha_close             | 0          |

> | Com_ha_open              | 0          |

> | Com_ha_read              | 0          |

> | Com_insert               | 60970      |

> | Com_insert_select        | 0          |

> | Com_kill                 | 0          |

> | Com_load                 | 0          |

> | Com_load_master_data     | 0          |

> | Com_load_master_table    | 0          |

> | Com_lock_tables          | 0          |

> | Com_optimize             | 0          |

> | Com_purge                | 0          |

> | Com_rename_table         | 0          |

> | Com_repair               | 0          |

> | Com_replace              | 21         |

> | Com_replace_select       | 0          |

> | Com_reset                | 0          |

> | Com_restore_table        | 0          |

> | Com_revoke               | 0          |

> | Com_rollback             | 0          |

> | Com_savepoint            | 0          |

> | Com_select               | 5946078    |

> | Com_set_option           | 4          |

> | Com_show_binlog_events   | 0          |

> | Com_show_binlogs         | 0          |

> | Com_show_create          | 0          |

> | Com_show_databases       | 2          |

> | Com_show_fields          | 4          |

> | Com_show_grants          | 0          |

> | Com_show_keys            | 27         |

> | Com_show_logs            | 0          |

> | Com_show_master_status   | 0          |

> | Com_show_new_master      | 0          |

> | Com_show_open_tables     | 0          |

> | Com_show_processlist     | 203        |

> | Com_show_slave_hosts     | 0          |

> | Com_show_slave_status    | 0          |

> | Com_show_status          | 11         |

> | Com_show_innodb_status   | 0          |

> | Com_show_tables          | 14         |

> | Com_show_variables       | 0          |

> | Com_slave_start          | 0          |

> | Com_slave_stop           | 0          |

> | Com_truncate             | 0          |

> | Com_unlock_tables        | 0          |

> | Com_update               | 275842     |

> | Connections              | 687129     |

> | Created_tmp_disk_tables  | 0          |

> | Created_tmp_tables       | 0          |

> | Created_tmp_files        | 0          |

> | Delayed_insert_threads   | 0          |

> | Delayed_writes           | 0          |

> | Delayed_errors           | 0          |

> | Flush_commands           | 1          |

> | Handler_commit           | 0          |

> | Handler_delete           | 4455       |

> | Handler_read_first       | 797        |

> | Handler_read_key         | 6067818    |

> | Handler_read_next        | 1286221638 |

> | Handler_read_prev        | 1193582    |

> | Handler_read_rnd         | 5116834    |

> | Handler_read_rnd_next    | 3844277714 |

> | Handler_rollback         | 0          |

> | Handler_update           | 160159     |

> | Handler_write            | 60991      |

> | Key_blocks_used          | 249380     |

> | Key_read_requests        | 61619597   |

> | Key_reads                | 291069     |

> | Key_write_requests       | 144783     |

> | Key_writes               | 141414     |

> | Max_used_connections     | 15         |

> | Not_flushed_key_blocks   | 0          |

> | Not_flushed_delayed_rows | 0          |

> | Open_tables              | 64         |

> | Open_files               | 81         |

> | Open_streams             | 0          |

> | Opened_tables            | 675        |

> | Questions                | 14290311   |

> | Qcache_queries_in_cache  | 12829      |

> | Qcache_inserts           | 5903341    |

> | Qcache_hits              | 6000658    |

> | Qcache_lowmem_prunes     | 0          |

> | Qcache_not_cached        | 42714      |

> | Qcache_free_memory       | 8610680    |

> | Qcache_free_blocks       | 480        |

> | Qcache_total_blocks      | 26186      |

> | Rpl_status               | NULL       |

> | Select_full_join         | 0          |

> | Select_full_range_join   | 0          |

> | Select_range             | 72569      |

> | Select_range_check       | 0          |

> | Select_scan              | 332366     |

> | Slave_open_temp_tables   | 0          |

> | Slave_running            | OFF        |

> | Slow_launch_threads      | 0          |

> | Slow_queries             | 8          |

> | Sort_merge_passes        | 0          |

> | Sort_range               | 70697      |

> | Sort_rows                | 5116790    |

> | Sort_scan                | 120        |

> | Table_locks_immediate    | 6908344    |

> | Table_locks_waited       | 258110     |

> | Threads_cached           | 0          |

> | Threads_created          | 687128     |

> | Threads_connected        | 5          |

> | Threads_running          | 2          |

> | Uptime                   | 64124      |

> +--------------------------+------------+




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   __  ___     ___ ____  __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /    Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
       <___/   www.mysql.com

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