we've got an old mysql-3.23.58 and a new mysql-4.1.10a and we'de like to
migrate our data, but it doesn't seems to be so easy:-(
out old server has a latin2 database. after we dump it and try tp import into the new ones we always got errors or the spical accented hungarian
characters are getting wrong.
- what is the prefered (and working) way to migrate from the old to the
- how can define the new char sets?
we try these variations (and manualy create the database with defult
char set and latin2):
1. mysqldump --opt -p xxx > xxx.sql
    mysql xxx < xxx.sql

2. mysqldump --opt --default-character-set=latin2 -p xxx > xxx.sql
    mysql --default-character-set=latin2 xxx < xxx.sql

3. mysqldump --opt -p xxx > xxx.sql
    iconv -f ISO_8859-2 -t UTF-8 -o xxx2.sql xxx.sql
    mysql xxx < xxx2.sql

and many more combination, try to read all docs, but can't find any
another question what is the collations latin2_hungarian_ci contains?
how can i interpret that xml file? eg. a is equal to รก or not? is there any way to find out how is the buildin contains defined? or any description?
thank you for your help in advance.

Generally speaking you need to define the character set for each column or table in your 4.1 database, or set a default character set for the database or for the server, this is independent of the default character set used by the clients... Then you need your clients to connect to the database using the appropriate character set... while the examples above seem correct, there are some opportunities for errors to occur.

Firstly export the data using the mysql tools provided with 3.23.58... eg make sure you use the mysqldump that comes with the 3.23.58 mysql binary - chances are that is will be mysqldump 3.23.58. I expect that version off mysqldump will not support the --default- character-set flag and should have thrown an error if you try to give it that flag... It's important that you export the 3.23.58 data the way it is, and let the 4.1 tools deal with putting it into the new format appropriately. using mysqldump from 4.1 may not give you exactly the same results, so you should avoid that. Also for what it is worth you may want to try doing a dump slightly differently... we always use --tab=/var/tmp/database or some such thing and that creates a series of files in the folder you specify, one .sql file for each table containing just the create table statement, and one .txt file for each table containing just the data for each table in tab delimited format. It means your import process will be slightly different, but it's faster, and because we have done it regularly it's more likely to handle the data conversion.

Next when doing the import make sure you use mysql tools that match the database you are installing. Here you will need to specify the default character set for the clients, they will understand and use that when speaking to the database. Here is the process we use to do the export from 4.0 and import into 4.1, there should be no great difference in how 3.23.58 and 4.0 handle the character sets so the results should be much the same. We use UTF8, and our 4.0 databases had no special character settings, so it was stored in the database as latin1. On the original server using 4.0.n server and tools to match we run this:

mysqldump --tab=/var/tmp/database database

You should be able to do the same thing provided you use mysqldump 3.23.58, again make no allowances for character set in the dump process, you just want the data dumped to disk the same way it is stored now.

Then we move the directory /var/tmp/database to /var/tmp on the new server with 4.1 running... note this has the 4.1.n server AND the 4.1.n tools (such as mysql, mysqldump, mysqlimport and so on).

Finally we go ahead and import our data into the server using this sequence of commands (we use a shell script, so that's what you get here). Call the shell script by giving it the database name as a flag (eg ./import database) - watch for differences in line breaks caused by email clients here, there are three lines of commands after setting DB=$1.

# LiveWorld's MySQL Import Script
# Use for converting 4.0 databases to 4.1 UTF8 databases
# Suitable for LiveWorld Servers only, use at your own risk


mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE $DB default character set utf8;"
cat /var/tmp/$DB/*sql | mysql --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock $DB
mysqlimport --default-character-set=utf8 $DB /var/tmp/$DB/*txt

Obviously you are going from latin2 to latin2 so it should be a little easier for you than it was for us... and you'll want to make some changes in the script compared to our utf8 stuff (of course you may want to just go with utf8 anyway, should handle most anything you want to throw at it that way, our databases run in 30 languages).

So be careful to match your tools with your server version and try to dump to tab delimited, it'll probably work for you. I know it's worked for us in moving to utf8... and our setup wasn't as clean as yours sounds to be.

Best Regards, Bruce
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