On Wednesday 20 July 2005 10:06am, Les Schaffer wrote:
> I am working on a MySQL application where laptops will be collecting
> data into local MySQL tables, and then once a week they will be
> network-connected to a central server where they will "check in" their
> new data and "check out" new assignments for data collection.
> given a set of rows in a set of tables on the laptop, is there any nifty
> way of grabbing their data and inserting/updating these rows into the
> server database, other than to do a SELECT on the local connection and
> then turn around and create an INSERT or UPDATE SQL command on the
> remote connection with the same data to push data onto server? same for
> remote-to-laptop.
> due to the nature of the application, laptops will be working on only a
> fraction of the total records on the server, so i can not simply copy
> the tables on server onto laptop, nor can i copy tables from laptop onto
> server, since other laptops will be checking in data too into the same
> tables.

If it were me, I would look at building it as a client/server app.  Build a 
simple server piece that laptop clients connect to, which handles the 
syncranization of the data.

I have built a few like this in the past (working on another now) and it works 

Basically, all you have to do is track which records have not been synced each 
way and then have the client & server do it when they connect.
Lamont R. Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Founder [ http://blog.openbrainstem.net/peregrine/ ]
OpenBrainstem - Intelligent Open Source Software Engineering

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