"Siegfried Heintze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/24/2005 11:35:36 

> I have a large number of job titles (40K). Each job title has multiple
> keywords making a one-to-many parent-child relationship.
> If I join job title with company name, address, company url, company 
> job name, job location, job url (etc...) I have a mighty wide result set
> that will be repeated for each keyword.
> What I have done in the past (in a different, much smaller, application) 
> perform a join of everything except the keyword and store everything in 
> hashmap. 
> Then I iterate thru each wide row in the hashmap and perform a separate
> SELECT statement foreach row in this hashmap to fetch the multiple 
> Whew! That would be a lot of RAM (and paging) for this application.
> Are there any other more efficient approaches?
> Thanks,
> Siegfried

There are two major classes of efficiency when dealing with any RDBMS: 
time efficiency (faster results), space efficiency (stored data takes less 
room on the disk). Which one are you worried about?

If it were me, I would start with all of the data normalized: 
        * a Companies table (name, address, url, city, etc)
        * a Job Titles table (a list of names)
        * a Keywords table (a list of words used to describe Job Titles)
        * a JobPosting table ( Relates Companies to Job Titles. Should 
also be used to track things like dateposted, dateclosed, salary offered, 
        * a Postings_Keywords table (matches a Posting to multiple 

I would only denormalize if testing showed a dramatic improvement in 
performance by doing so. I would think that the Job Title to Keyword 
relationship would be different between Companies. One company posting for 
a "Programmer" may want VB while another wants PHP and PERL. By 
associating the Keywords with a Posting (and not just the Job Title), you 
can make that list Company-specific.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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