On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 14:00 +0200, Gregory Machin wrote:
> I need search all the tables in a database for a single string. I'm
> trying to figure out how, where and what other tables exponent cms
> saves it text pages and references to, so i can finish writing a mass
> page import module....
> In short can mysql do a recursive search,  through all the table's in
> a database ..

I'm not aware of a way to do a recursive search, but I've had to solve a
similar problem before. This command:

grep -H --binary-files=text search_string *MYD | cut -f1 -d: | sort -u

run in a database directory on a *NIX box (or Windows with Cygwin) will
print out the tables that contain search_string. It takes a while, but
it gives you the information you're looking for. I probably wouldn't run
that on my tables if they're being written to, but I haven't had a
problem (yet). 
Pat Adams
Applications Programmer
SYSCO Food Services of Dallas

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