Just wondering if someone would be kind enough to take a look at it - Nishi

> -----Original Message-----
> Following query is taking a long time (upto 10 secs) to 
> return the resultset. Would greatly appreciate if someone 
> could help me understand why.
> I have run 'analyze table <tablename>' on all the three 
> tables involved. The EXPLAIN output, record count and table 
> description is also included.
> SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS art.article_id aId, art.title, 
> aFt.seq_no sn, SUBSTRING(abs.abstract,1,10) abs
> FROM art, abs, aFt
> WHERE ( 
>   MATCH(art.title, art.subtitle, art.keywords, 
> art.general_terms) AGAINST ('+recommender +systems' IN BOOLEAN MODE) 
>   OR 
>   MATCH(abs.abstract) AGAINST ('+recommender +systems' IN 
>   AND art.article_id = aFt.article_id 
>   AND art.article_id = abs.article_id
> ;
> aId     title                                sn  abs
> 245121  Recommender systems                   1
> 245127  Recommender systems for evaluating    1
> 331413  Workshop on recommender systems       1
> 353475  PYTHIA-II                             1  Often scie
> 353481  Mining and visualizing recommendation 1  In this pa
> table type   possible_keys key     key_len ref            rows  Extra
> aFt   index  PRIMARY       PRIMARY 4       NULL           
> 53191 Using index
> art   eq_ref PRIMARY       PRIMARY 3       aFt.article_id 1
> abs   eq_ref PRIMARY       PRIMARY 3       art.article_id 1   
>   Using where
> CREATE TABLE art (  -- Records: 54668
>   article_id mediumint(9),
>   title varchar(255),
>   subtitle varchar(127),
>   keywords mediumtext,
>   general_terms tinytext,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (article_id),
>   FULLTEXT KEY title (title,subtitle,keywords,general_terms)
> CREATE TABLE abs (  -- Records: 54681
>   article_id mediumint(4),
>   abstract mediumtext,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (article_id),
>   FULLTEXT KEY abstract (abstract)
> CREATE TABLE aFt (  --  Records: 53191
>   article_id mediumint(9),
>   seq_no tinyint(4),
>   PRIMARY KEY  (article_id,seq_no)
> I am using mysql  Ver 12.21 Distrib 4.0.15, for 
> mandrake-linux-gnu (i586).
> Thanks,
> Nishi

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