I am not sure about index merging but you should be able to speed things 
up if you ORDER BY and LIMIT your inner queries as well:

(SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a='a' ORDER BY id limit 0,5) 
(SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE a='a' ORDER BY id limit 0,5) 

To answer your UNION query, you only want 5 records in your results (the 5 
with the lowest ID values). It doesn't matter if those 5 come from the 
first inner query or the second but you will use at most 5 records from 
either. By reducing the number of records you need to UNION, you seriously 
decrease the processing required to achieve your outer goal. Granted, this 
is a rather special case but this is the second time this week that this 
pattern of query has appeared on the list so it can't be too special.

To get more abstract in analyzing an index merge process, can we discuss 
under which conditions it would be useful to merge indexes?  How would you 
describe the initial conditions of any UNION query that would describe a 
situation in which index merging would be of benefit to the execution of 
the query. I think it would be useful in more situations than when 
UNIONing the complete table query against two identical tables, if we can 
describe the decision in more general terms. Could you use index merging 
during JOINs or just UNIONs? What other types of queries could benefit 
from this being added to the query engine? Is it only useful in LIMIT 

Come on everyone, put on your thinking caps and work like DB developers 
for a bit and let's see if we can' t hash out a set of parameters that 
make sense. This sounds like a useful tool to add to the core engine but I 
think it needs a bit of thought about when to use it and when not to use 
it. What are your ideas?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Eli Hen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/03/2005 04:44:55 PM:

> Hi,
> In the example you gave, it seems that MySQL doesn't merge the index of 
> t1 in both sub-queries (which is the same index).. but it runs the 
> sub-queries seperatedly, using the index on each sub-query seperatedly..
> Mabye I wasn't clear enough with my question.. let me phrase it again:
> Say I got 2 tables which are defined the same way but different names.
> mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE t1 \G
> *************************** 1. row ***************************
>        Table: t1
> Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t1` (
>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   `a` char(10) NOT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
>   KEY `a` (`a`)
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE t2 \G
> *************************** 1. row ***************************
>        Table: t2
> Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t2` (
>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
>   `a` char(10) NOT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
>   KEY `a` (`a`)
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> WHERE a='a') ORDER BY id LIMIT 0,5 \G
> *************************** 1. row ***************************
>            id: 1
>   select_type: PRIMARY
>         table: t1
>          type: ref
> possible_keys: a
>           key: a
>       key_len: 10
>           ref: const
>          rows: 1000
>         Extra: Using where
> *************************** 2. row ***************************
>            id: 2
>   select_type: UNION
>         table: t2
>          type: ALL
> possible_keys: a
>           key: NULL
>       key_len: NULL
>           ref: NULL
>          rows: 500
>         Extra: Using where
> *************************** 3. row ***************************
>            id: NULL
>   select_type: UNION RESULT
>         table: <union1,2>
>          type: ALL
> possible_keys: NULL
>           key: NULL
>       key_len: NULL
>           ref: NULL
>          rows: NULL
>         Extra: Using filesort
> 3 rows in set (0.01 sec)
> MySQL executes each sub-query seperatedly (which returns 1000 and 500 
> rows), then it combines them and use filesort to order, then it limits 
> and give only the first 5 rows.
> This is very expensive for just 5 first rows that match the same WHERE 
> clause from 2 tables which have the SAME definition and indexes. It 
> might be possible to merge the indexes of t1 and t2 and speed up the 
> query... Is it possible? Does MySQL intend to do this?
> [BTW: I gave just a private case. It might be examined to cover more 
> -thanks in advance
> >Hello.
> >
> >
> >MySQL uses indexes in queries which are parts of UNION. See:
> >
> >mysql> explain (select * from t1 where a=5) union (select * from t1
> where a=3)\G;
> >*************************** 1. row ***************************
> >           id: 1
> >  select_type: PRIMARY
> >        table: t1
> >         type: ref
> >possible_keys: a
> >          key: a
> >      key_len: 5
> >          ref: const
> >         rows: 1
> >        Extra: Using where; Using index
> >*************************** 2. row ***************************
> >           id: 2
> >  select_type: UNION
> >        table: t1
> >         type: ref
> >possible_keys: a
> >          key: a
> >      key_len: 5
> >          ref: const
> >         rows: 1
> >        Extra: Using where; Using index
> >*************************** 3. row ***************************
> >           id: NULL
> >  select_type: UNION RESULT
> >        table: <union1,2>
> >         type: ALL
> >possible_keys: NULL
> >          key: NULL
> >      key_len: NULL
> >          ref: NULL
> >         rows: NULL
> >        Extra:
> >3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> >
> >
> >mysql> show create table t1\G;
> >*************************** 1. row ***************************
> >       Table: t1
> >Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t1` (
> >  `a` int(11) default NULL,
> >  KEY `a` (`a`)
> >
> >
> >
> >> Hello,
> >> 
> >> MySQL implemented index_merge in version 5...
> >> Does MySQL supports something like index_merge to speed up UNION 
> >> queries? If yes, for which version (assumed release time)?
> >> Does anyone know of other DBs systems that can speed up UNION 
> >> This issue is quite critical for our system..
> >> 
> >> -thanks in advance.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >
> >
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