"Brendan Gogarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/09/2005
05:30:51 AM:

> Hi,
>     We are running mysql  3.23.58 and I want to do a query with joins
> from two tables and then insert the
> results into the column of a third. This appears to be harder than I
> realised with this version of mysql and I am banging my head against a
> wall. Please Help!
> ok first query.
> any ideas?

Start from here: 

Updates *are* allowed to use JOINED tables as the "thing to be updated".
Which means that an UPDATE statement can look VERY MUCH like a SELECT
statement turned on it's head. In your case, I think you are trying to
figure out how to flip this: 

select link_ID,of_group
       ON page_elements.link_to=pages.page_ID
LEFT JOIN links_DB_bk
       ON page_elements.link_ID=links_DB_bk.link_ID
WHERE content_type='text' 

into this (while adding the `links_db` table into the mix: 

UPDATE links_db 
INNER JOIN page_elements 
        ON page_elements.link_ID=links_DB.link_ID
       ON page_elements.link_to=pages.page_ID
LEFT JOIN links_DB_bk
       ON page_elements.link_ID=links_DB_bk.link_ID 
SET <*** see note***> 
WHERE content_type='text'; 

*** note:  your SET clause can reference ANY column from ANY table
defined in your UPDATE clause. You are not limited to just changing one
table at a time. Just make sure you properly identify the columns you
want to get data from and which ones you want to set. Now, you didn't
say exactly what you wanted to update with what or I would have filled
in more of the SET clause. 

If you want to flip a SELECT ... GROUP BY statement into an UPDATE
statement, you have to go through a temporary table first. That is
because the GROUP BY eliminates any one-to-one row-to-value mappings
99.9% of the time. There is no UPDATE ... GROUP BY  command for any
RDBMS that I know of. However, if you save the results of the
SELECT...GROUP BY statement, you can JOIN to that table in an UPDATE
statement just like any other data. 

Let me know if you run into any more issues and I can help you work it

Hi Shaun,
I'm afraid after a few hours of testing various things it doesn't work.
I am pretty sure its a version issue as even the simplest query such as 
SET links_DB.in_group=0
brings up an error

MySQL said: 

You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'LEFT  JOIN page_elements SET
links_DB.in_group = 0' at line 1

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