Liz you didn't mention by I suppose you're using Windows client too i.e. mysql.exe. A quick test revealed that in such a case char limit is <=255 i.e. that's limitation of Windows Command Prompt: or in case of Win NT,2000,XP - cmd.exe
try writing your long SQL command in text file and import from there ;-)
mysql (your host, login etc. options here ) < import.sql
or from within mysql prompt> source import.sql;


Elizabeth Bonifacio wrote:
Dear Guys,

Can please anyone advice me how to successfully insert long text data
into my innodb table rawlog with table stucture as follows:
mysql> desc rawlog;
| Field | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| log   | longtext | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

here is one sample of the syslog data I'm trying to insert into the
table without success:

insert into rawlog values ('<133>date=2005-07-25 time=12:38:23
device_id=FGT1002105200379 log_id=0022010001 type=traffic
subtype=allowed pri=notice vd=root SN=1321 duration=180 policyid=1
proto=17 service=29716/udp status=accept src=
srcname= dst= dstname=
src_int=internal dst_int=external sent=46 rcvd=86 sent_pkt=1
rcvd_pkt=1 src_port=10055 dst_port=29716 vpn=n/a tran_ip=
tran_port=43957 dir_disp=org tran_disp=noop');

I've already tried changing my column data type from varchar to text
types but still the insert statement cannot be typed all the way to
the end of statement.I can only type half of the syslog data.  Does it
has something to do
with my system? I'm using mysql version 4.1.11 running in windows xp
32 bit. My max_allowed_packet is 1048576, do I need to increase this?
by how much?

Please advice me as a need to insert lots of long syslog data in this table.
All the best.


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