Suppose I want to create an animal kingdom database
that gives me the option of displaying the following
taxonomic hierarchies:

1) A bread crumbs navigation string, including ALL
taxons; e.g. Animalia (kingdom) > Chordata (phylum) >
Vertebrata (a SUBphylum) > Mammalia (class) > Eutheria
(a SUBclass)

2) A bread crumbs nav string that excludes taxons
beginning with SUB; e.g. Animalia > Chordata >

3) Lists of various taxons' children, including ALL
taxons; e.g.

a. CHORDATA (phylum)
b. Vertebrata (subphylum)
b. Urochordata (subphylum)

4) Lists of taxons' children, excluding SUBorders,
SUBfamilies, etc.; e.g.

a. CHORDATA (phylum)
b. Mammalia (class)
b. Aves (class)
b. Reptilia (class), etc.

5. A combination that looks like this:

a. CHORDATA (phylum)
c. Mammalia
c. Aves
c. Reptilia
c. Amphibia

And if you clicked on Vertebrata, you'd see only its
children, like this:


What's the best way to organize a database to achieve
this flexibility? My current child-parent relationship
generally works, but I think I erred in treating
SUBtaxons a little differently, assigning them parents
but not children. For example, the data below
illustrates how I assigned the phylum Chordata as the
parent of both the subphylum Vertebrata and the class

Chordata | Animalia
Vertebrata | Chordata
Mammalia | Chordata

So clicking Chordata displays...


...and clicking Mammalia displays mammal orders, but
clicking Vertebrata displays nothing.

Do you think I'll be able to write PHP scripts that do
what I want, or does it make more sense to reorganize
my database, assigning parents and children to every
taxon, then writing PHP scripts that somehow weed out
SUBtaxons when I don't want to display them?

A third option is to use a recursive array, something
I haven't learned how to do yet. If I try a recursive
array, I assume I'd have to modify my database so that
every taxon does indeed have a parent and a child.

If it helps, I posted the code for the two PHP scripts
I'm using to make my bread crumbs navigation and to
display the children of various taxons. Eventually,
I'll have to write a third script that will join
tables with additional information on distribution,
diet, etc.

But I think what I really need now is confirmation
that I should assign EVERY taxon a parent and child
(or advice to the contrary) and whether I'd be better
off sticking with a child-parent relationship or a
recursive array.


function display_children($parent, $level)

$result = mysql_query('SELECT Name FROM gzanimals as A
WHERE Parent="' . $parent . '";');

   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
       echo str_repeat('  ',$level).$row['Name']."\n";

       display_children($row['Name'], $level+1);

function get_path($node) {
   $result = mysql_query('SELECT Parent FROM gzanimals
'. 'WHERE Name="'.$node.'";');
   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

   $path = array();

   if ($row['Parent']!='') {
       $path[] = $row['Parent'];

       $path = array_merge(get_path($row['Parent']),

   return $path;
$mypath = get_path($mycode);
echo "<a href=\"index.php?taxon=".$mypath[$i]."\">
".$mypath[$i]." </a>  &gt; ";

* * * * * * * * * *

This is the script I'm using to display children of
various taxons:

$result = mysql_query('select count(*) from
if (($result) && (mysql_result ($result , 0) > 0)) {
} else {
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
$taxon = mysql_query ("SELECT Name, Parent FROM
gzanimals AS A
 WHERE Parent = '$_GET[taxon]'");

echo '<div class="' . $_GET['taxon'] . '">';

echo '<table>';
//<!-- BeginDynamicTable -->
// while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($taxon)) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($taxon, MYSQL_ASSOC))

// mysql_fetch_array($taxons, MYSQL_ASSOC)
// <td><a
echo <<<EOD
echo '</table></div>';

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