I have a table with date values:

| theDate    |
| 2005-08-15 |
| 2005-08-16 |
| 2005-08-14 |

I can execute this select statement on it:

  select * from tDay where theDate > date_sub( now(), interval 1 day);

And I can create a view from it:

create view dateTest as select * from tDay where theDate > date_sub( now(), interval 1 day);

On creating the view, the date_sub function is replaced by its result, though, so that the view does not generate dynamic results:

  show create table dateTest;
CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED VIEW `kurse`.`dateTest` AS select sql_no_cache `kurse`.`tDay`.`theDate` AS `theDate` from
  `kurse`.`tDay` where (`kurse`.`tDay`.`theDate` > 20050814)

How can I avoid this replacement and make this view a truly dynamic one?


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