My guess is that the RAID has nothing to do with it -- it seems very unlikely.

In any case, if you want top performance out of your raid, you may
want to change things up. You'd get better performance if you didn't
use RAID5. Use RAID1 or RAID10 for your data drives. RAID5 is slower
than these other methods.

Based on the information you've given, I'm assuming a few things:

1) your raid controller supports RAID10
2) you have an even number of drives.

If this is the case, I would recreate the raid as a RAID10 (pair up
your drives and then create a stripe out of the pairs). Then you can
feel free to allocate space to whatever partition struction you need.

On 8/25/05, Curious George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> G'morning all!
> (Using Red Hat Linux Enterprise 4.1)
> I have a Dell PowerEdge 2800 with a PERC 4 RAID controller.  The RAID
> controller has one RAID 1 mirror and one RAID 5 stripe volume created.
>  We installed most of the OS stuff on the RAID 1 set and the
> /usr/local and /var on the RAID 5 set (since the Red Hat MySQL rpm
> puts the data directory under /var ).
> I'd like to know if there are any better ways to configure this (I can
> repartition and reinstall the OS, if necessary).
> <background>
> I'm having problems with a Tomcat application (OSP - ePortfolios) that
> uses a lot of disk space for uploaded files (under Tomcat directory
> which I install under /usr/local). Not sure how large the MySQL
> database will grow to be. I installed the Red Hat MySQL rpm, but not
> sure if it is RAID-aware and considering compiling MySQL from source (
> --with raid ?). Or my problem may be with the MySQL Connector/J driver
> (which would be a question for the mysql-java list).
> The application builds and installs fine with no errors, but Tomcat
> only works for the static directories (i.e. /jsp-examples ) and not
> with the application that interacts with MySQL.
> I've installed this application successfully on an identical non-raid
> system. The only differenced between the two machines is that the
> problem child is RAID (configured as above) and the java sdk version
> changed from _08 to _09.
> </background>
> 1) Best way to configure the RAID/partitions for best MySQL performance?
> 2) Is MySQL RAID-aware if not compiled: - - with raid? (unsure if the
> Red Hat rpm used that)
> 3) Is there a way to tell if a problem is specifically related to the
> MySQL Connector/J driver or a problem connecting to MySQL? (probably
> should direct that one to the mysql-java list, eh?)
> Thanks in advance for any help. This is the first RAID machine I've
> ever worked with.
> : \
> Darren Addy
> University of Nebraska at Kearney
> --
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