Hi Folks!

    I have a problem with a subquery using MySQL 4.1.12 (Fedora Core 4). I
will include the SHOW CREATE TABLE for the two tables involved. Please,
forgive me if I include this information in my original language (Spanish)
but I wish to keep the field names as is to avoid any mistake.

    I don't know if this problem is a MySQL subquery bug or I'm doing
something wrong. Anyway, what I'm doing here is pretty straighforward.
First, the table information:

-- SHOW CREATE TABLE FOR TABLE "dominios_propios_completos"

CREATE TABLE `dominios_propios_completos` (
  `criterio` char(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `idDominio` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `idSite` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
  `fechaCreacion` datetime default NULL,
  `idIdioma` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL,
  `estado` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`criterio`,`idDominio`),
  KEY `idSite` (`idSite`),
  KEY `fechaCreacion` (`fechaCreacion`),
  CONSTRAINT `FK_dominios_propios_completos_1`
        FOREIGN KEY (`idSite`)
        REFERENCES `sites` (`id`)

-- SHOW CREATE TABLE FOR TABLE "sites_criterios"

CREATE TABLE `sites_criterios` (
  `idSite` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `criterio` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `criterio_pub` varchar(100) default NULL,
  `idIdioma` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  KEY `idSite` (`idSite`),
  KEY `idIdioma` (`idIdioma`),
  KEY `criterio` (`criterio`),
  KEY `criterio_pub` (`criterio_pub`),
  CONSTRAINT `sites_criterios_ibfk_1`
        FOREIGN KEY (`idSite`)
        REFERENCES `sites` (`id`)

    OK, now for the problem. If you look at the above tables, they are
somewhat related via "dominios_propios_completos.criterio" with
"sites_criterios.criterio_pub". In fact, what I am doing is trying to make
"dominios_propios_completos.criterio" a constraint for criterio_pub on table

    Now, look carefully:

mysql> SELECT criterio, idSite
    -> FROM dominios_propios_completos
    -> WHERE criterio = "su-turno";
| criterio | idSite |
| su-turno |   4305 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT criterio_pub, idSite
    -> FROM sites_criterios
    -> WHERE criterio_pub = "su-turno";
Empty set (0.00 sec)

    In the above queries it's pretty clear the word "su-turno" exists in
table "dominios-propios-completos" but NOT EXISTS in the table
"sites_criterios" as a value of "criterio_pub".

    The problem is that the following subquery return no results... Why???

mysql> SELECT criterio, idSite
    -> FROM dominios_propios_completos
    -> WHERE criterio NOT IN (
    ->     SELECT criterio_pub
    ->     FROM sites_criterios
    -> );
Empty set (0.05 sec)

    Why is this? It's obvious (at least to me) that this query must return
"su-turno" at least. It interesting to note that if I further restrict the
WHERE clauses, I get the correct output!! Take a look at this, for instance:

mysql> SELECT criterio, idSite
    -> FROM dominios_propios_completos
    -> WHERE idSite = 4305 AND
    ->       criterio NOT IN (
    ->           SELECT criterio_pub
    ->           FROM sites_criterios
    ->           WHERE idSite = 4305
    -> );
| criterio                               | idSite |
... cut ...
| su-turno                               |   4305 |
245 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    I don't know why this last query is working and the former, more general
one, isn't. I have tried different combinations, like using DISTINCT at the
subquery, etc.

    I begun thinking this is a bug because I get different results if I
modify the WHERE clause in the inner subquery, like this:

mysql> SELECT criterio, idSite
    -> FROM dominios_propios_completos
    -> WHERE idSite = 4305 AND
    ->       criterio NOT IN (
    ->           SELECT criterio_pub
    ->           FROM sites_criterios
    -> );
Empty set (0.01 sec)

    Note that this query is THE SAME as the previous one, but with a wider
result set inside the subquery. This makes no difference in my queries as we
confirmed at least the word "su-turno" does not exists.

    Thanks for your patience. If you think I'm doing something wrong please

    Jose Miguel.

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