
Yes I want only 24 hours of business program, and like you've said I do not want to include Saturday and Sunday, since nobody is working in the week-end.
   Thank you very much for the help.

Best regards and have a nice week-end,
Cristi Stoica

Michael Stassen wrote:

inferno wrote:
> Hi,
>   I have a problem: I need to make a select for data that was entered
> more than 24 hours ago, but in that 24 hours I have to count only Monday > - Friday since that is the working program, and does not have the status
> = '2' ( Solved ) and the problem is that I sincerly do not know how.
>   Any help/suggestions are apreciated since I am just a beginner.
> Best regards,
> Cristi Stoica
> P.S.: to give you a little idea on what I am using:
> ( the interface is coded in PHP for the users )
> MySQL 4.0.24 and the the data looks like this:
> +-------------+------------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+ > | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | > +-------------+------------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+ > | id | int(25) unsigned | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | > | client_name | varchar(100) | | | | | > | code | bigint(13) | | | 0 | | > | status | varchar(13) | | | 0 | | > | date | datetime | | | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | | > +-------------+------------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+

> Hi Cristi,
> Look at this :
> mysql> select now();
> +---------------------+
> | now()               |
> +---------------------+
> | 2005-09-02 23:15:21 |
> +---------------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL -1 DAY);
> +----------------------------------+
> | DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL -1 DAY) |
> +----------------------------------+
> | 2005-09-01 23:15:27              |
> +----------------------------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select date_format(now(),'%a');
> +-------------------------+
> | date_format(now(),'%a') |
> +-------------------------+
> | Fri                     |
> +-------------------------+
> 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
> So your query should be similar to  :
> Select * from tbl where status='2' and date <= DATE_ADD(now(),
> and date_format(date, '%a') in ('Mon', 'Tue', ...,'Fri');
> Hope that helps
> Mathias

inferno wrote:
> Hi,
>    It is perfect, I was thinking of doing it in php but the solution
> that I've had was no way optimal.
>    Thank you very much for the help.
> Best regards and have a nice week-end,
> Cristi Stoica

Are you sure? I don't think that query does what you describe. Mathias' query shows rows entered over 24 clock hours ago, but leaves out weekend rows. I thought you wanted rows over 24 business hours old. That is, if you run this query at 09:30 on a Monday, 24 hours ago means 09:30 last Friday. Is that correct? In other words, a row entered at 16:30 on Friday is not yet 24 business hours old at 09:30 on Monday, because weekends don't count. Such an entry would be returned by Mathias' query.

If I'm right, you need a different query. The key is that "yesterday" is 1 day ago if today is Tuesday through Friday, but it is 3 days ago if today is Monday. Hence, you need something like

  SET @daysago = IF(DAYNAME(CURDATE()) = 'Monday', 3, 1);
  SET @yesterday = NOW() - INTERVAL @daysago DAY;

  SELECT * FROM yourtable
  WHERE date <= @yesterday
    AND status = '2';

You can do it in one query without user variables, if you like, but it's a little uglier:

  SELECT * FROM yourtable
WHERE date <= NOW() - INTERVAL IF(DAYNAME(CURDATE()) = 'Monday', 3, 1) DAY
    AND status = '2';

I've assumed the query will only be run on a business day. If you need to be able to run this on the weekend and get correct results, it becomes a bit more complicated. Something like:

  SET @yesterday =  CASE DAYNAME(CURDATE())
     WHEN 'Monday' THEN NOW() - INTERVAL 3 DAY

  SELECT * FROM yourtable
  WHERE date <= @yesterday
    AND status = '2';

Again, you can do it in one query by replacing @yesterday in the SELECT with the CASE statement on the right side of the SET statement, but it's ugly.

For more information, see the manual:

Date and time functions

User variables

IF and CASE functions


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