yeah, i can access the database server normally with the client mysql.
it works all right. the point is mysqladmin doesn't work.

Thank u.

On 9/7/05, 王静 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/7/05, Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  What linux where you using?
> RedHat linux 2.4.21
> > A blank password is not a good idea, I'm
> > not sure if it is allowed anyway.
> yeah, i know. so what i'm trying to do is adding/changing password for
> the only account root with the tool mysqladmin. but the error occured
> as i've posted before
> > I had the same prob with SuSE 9.3
> > and I updated MySQL and the problem
> > left, But also you get the error when the account
> > is not set properly.
> > Can you log into # mysql -u root test
> > ?
> yes, i can log into #mysql and get the prompt mysql>
> Thank u.
> > 
> >  
> > -------Original Message-------
> >  
> > From: 王静
> > Date: 09/07/05 17:52:52
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: a confusing error: 111
> >  
> > i recall i've managed to set up a connection to MySQL server using
> > account root with the "password" item  blank in Kdevelop. when i
> > invoke mysqlaccess -uroot -p, it returned a prompt for password, i
> > just hit return, but failed this time. mysqladmin -uroot got the same
> > suituation with the error 111.
> > i'm sure the default port 3306 isn't blocked by firewall, since i can
> > access the server with the tool mysql. any port else invovled?
> > thank u.
> >  
> > On 9/7/05, Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > yes,
> > >      You dont have an open account with root permissions
> > > mysqladmin -u root passwd password
> > > replace password with a real password
> > > also check to make sure your firewall isnt blocking
> > > your query if on a seperate network!
> > >
> > > hope this helps
> > >
> > >
> > > -------Original Message-------
> > >
> > > From: 王静
> > > Date: 09/07/05 17:04:31
> > > To:
> > > Subject: a confusing error: 111
> > >
> > > hi all.
> > > i've installed MySQL database server 4.1.14 under linux platform
> > > After setting up the server successfully, i envoked mysqladmin, but
> > > what i got is an error: can't connect to local MySQL server through
> > > socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'(111)
> > > is there anyone who ever run into similar problem and how to solve it?
> > > thank u.
> > >
> > > --
> > > MySQL General Mailing List
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> > MySQL General Mailing List
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