
> huge.cnf example.  What about that thread_concurrency setting in

> huge.cnf.. it doesn't seem to show up in a 'show variables' when using

> it.. is it deprecated?

In the manual it is meant that thead_concurrency is used on Solaris.

In the source files I've seen that thread_concurrency supported on those

platforms which have thr_setconcurrency function. See: 

  configure.in (AC_CHECK_FUNCS macros)


Matthew Lenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [-- text/plain, encoding 7bit, charset: US-ASCII, 61 lines --]


> infact .. the default debian config (some of these are just explicit

> defaults but this is what debian provides):


> [mysqld]

> user            = mysql

> pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid

> socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

> port            = 3306

> basedir         = /usr

> datadir         = /var/lib/mysql

> tmpdir          = /tmp

> language        = /usr/share/mysql/english

> skip-external-locking

> old_passwords   = 1

> key_buffer              = 16M

> max_allowed_packet      = 16M

> thread_stack            = 128K

> query_cache_limit       = 1048576

> query_cache_size        = 16777216

> query_cache_type        = 1

> log-bin                 = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log

> max_binlog_size         = 104857600

> skip-bdb


> outperforms the huge.cnf example:


> [mysqld]

> user                    = mysql

> pid-file                = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid

> socket                  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

> port                    = 3306

> basedir                 = /usr

> datadir                 = /var/lib/mysql

> tmpdir                  = /tmp

> language                = /usr/share/mysql/english

> old_passwords           = 1

> key_buffer              = 384M

> max_allowed_packet      = 16M

> table_cache             = 512

> sort_buffer_size        = 2M

> read_buffer_size        = 2M

> read_rnd_buffer_size    = 8M

> myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M

> query_cache_size        = 32M

> thread_concurrency      = 8

> log-bin                 = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log

> server-id               = 1

> skip-bdb

> skip-external-locking


> in almost every regard.  What gives? :)  This is a pretty beefy config:


> dual 3ghz HT xeon .. 2gig 800mhz fsb mem .. U320 SCSI RAID5.  I've

> attached a compare-results for a few machines.  the only important ones

> are 1 and 2.  1 is debians my.cnf and 2 is the slightly modified

> huge.cnf example.  What about that thread_concurrency setting in

> huge.cnf.. it doesn't seem to show up in a 'show variables' when using

> it.. is it deprecated?


> -Matt


> [-- text/plain, encoding 7bit, charset: UTF-8, 117 lines, name: results.txt 
> --]


> The result logs which where found and the options:

> 1 mysql-Linux_2.4.27_2_686_smp_i686       : MySQL 4.1.11 Debian_4sarge1 log

> 2 mysql-Linux_2.4.27_2_686_smp_i686_db0_te: MySQL 4.1.11 Debian_4sarge1 log

> 3 mysql-Linux_2.4.27_2_686_smp_i686_db1   : MySQL 4.1.11 Debian_4sarge1 log

> 4 mysql-Linux_2.6.10-1.770_FC3smp_i686    : MySQL 4.1.12 standard

> 5 mysql-Linux_2.6.10-1.770_FC3smp_i686_rai: MySQL 4.1.12 standard

> 6 mysql-Linux_2.6.11-1.14_FC3_x86_64      : MySQL 4.1.11 standard

> 7 mysql-Linux_2.6.8_2_686_smp_i686_kevinz : MySQL 4.1.11 Debian_4sarge1 log


> =============================================================================================

> Operation                           |      1|      2|      3|      4|      5| 
>      6|      7|

> |mysql-L|mysql-L|mysql-L|mysql-L|mysql-L|mysql-L|mysql-L|

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Results per test in seconds:                                                  
>               |

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> ATIS                                |   8.00|   9.00|   8.00|  16.00|  17.00| 
>  13.00|  32.00|

> alter-table                         |  14.00|  14.00|  13.00|  13.00|  10.00| 
>  21.00|  49.00|

> big-tables                          |  10.00|  10.00|  10.00|  13.00|  12.00| 
>  10.00|  36.00|

> connect                             | 108.00| 105.00|  99.00|  72.00|  71.00| 
>  58.00| 394.00|

> create                              |  67.00|  89.00|  89.00| 223.00| 219.00| 
>  98.00| 475.00|

> insert                              | 904.00| 908.00| 873.00| 854.00| 845.00| 
> 959.00|3751.00|

> select                              |  76.00|  76.00|  73.00| 353.00| 351.00| 
> 250.00| 291.00|

> wisconsin                           |   7.00|   7.00|   7.00|   6.00|   5.00| 
>   5.00|  20.00|

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> The results per operation:                                                    
>               |

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> alter_table_add (100)               |   6.00|   6.00|   5.00|   5.00|   4.00| 
>   9.00|  20.00|

> alter_table_drop (91)               |   6.00|   6.00|   6.00|   6.00|   4.00| 
>   9.00|  18.00|

> connect (10000)                     |   6.00|   6.00|   6.00|   5.00|   5.00| 
>   5.00|  28.00|

> connect+select_1_row (10000)        |   8.00|   8.00|   8.00|   7.00|   7.00| 
>   7.00|  33.00|

> connect+select_simple (10000)       |   8.00|   7.00|   8.00|   6.00|   6.00| 
>   6.00|  32.00|

> count (100)                         |   8.00|   9.00|   8.00|   9.00|   8.00| 
>   6.00|  43.00|

> count_distinct (1000)               |   1.00|   0.00|   1.00|  11.00|  11.00| 
>   6.00|   1.00|

> count_distinct_2 (1000)             |   0.00|   0.00|   0.00|  16.00|  15.00| 
>   8.00|   0.00|

> count_distinct_big (120)            |   8.00|   8.00|   7.00|  19.00|  20.00| 
>  14.00|  32.00|

> count_distinct_group (1000)         |   1.00|   1.00|   1.00|  14.00|  14.00| 
>   7.00|   3.00|

> count_distinct_group_on_key (1000)  |   0.00|   0.00|   0.00|  15.00|  15.00| 
>   8.00|   1.00|

> count_distinct_group_on_key_parts (1|   1.00|   1.00|   1.00|  14.00|  13.00| 
>   7.00|   3.00|

> count_distinct_key_prefix (1000)    |   0.00|   1.00|   0.00|   8.00|   8.00| 
>   4.00|   0.00|

> count_group_on_key_parts (1000)     |   1.00|   0.00|   1.00|  15.00|  15.00| 
>   7.00|   4.00|

> count_on_key (50100)                |  22.00|  23.00|  21.00| 130.00| 131.00| 
>  86.00|  69.00|

> create+drop (10000)                 |  13.00|  12.00|  12.00|  76.00|  71.00| 
>  32.00|  43.00|

> create_MANY_tables (10000)          |  35.00|  56.00|  58.00|  72.00|  73.00| 
>  27.00| 323.00|

> create_index (8)                    |   1.00|   1.00|   1.00|   1.00|   1.00| 
>   1.00|   5.00|

> create_key+drop (10000)             |  14.00|  14.00|  14.00|  72.00|  72.00| 
>  35.00|  48.00|

> create_table (31)                   |   0.00|   0.00|   0.00|   0.00|   1.00| 
>   0.00|   0.00|

> delete_all_many_keys (1)            |  22.00|  21.00|  21.00|  31.00|  24.00| 
> 134.00|  84.00|

> delete_big (1)                      |   0.00|   0.00|   1.00|   0.00|   0.00| 
>   0.00|   0.00|

> delete_big_many_keys (128)          |  22.00|  21.00|  21.00|  31.00|  24.00| 
> 134.00|  84.00|

> delete_key (10000)                  |   1.00|   1.00|   2.00|   1.00|   1.00| 
>   0.00|   6.00|

> delete_range (12)                   |   5.00|   5.00|   4.00|   4.00|   4.00| 
>   4.00|  16.00|

> drop_index (8)                      |   1.00|   1.00|   1.00|   1.00|   1.00| 
>   2.00|   6.00|

> drop_table (28)                     |   0.00|   0.00|   0.00|   0.00|   0.00| 
>   0.00|   0.00|

> drop_table_when_MANY_tables (10000) |   3.00|   4.00|   3.00|   2.00|   2.00| 
>   2.00|  21.00|

> insert (350768)                     |  55.00|  55.00|  52.00|  35.00|  36.00| 
>  28.00| 149.00|

> insert_duplicates (100000)          |  12.00|  13.00|  11.00|   8.00|   8.00| 
>   6.00|  35.00|

> insert_key (100000)                 |  43.00|  44.00|  44.00|  37.00|  37.00| 
> 240.00| 173.00|

> insert_many_fields (2000)           |   3.00|   3.00|   3.00|   3.00|   3.00| 
>   3.00|  15.00|

> insert_select_1_key (1)             |   2.00|   2.00|   2.00|   2.00|   2.00| 
>   2.00|   7.00|

> insert_select_2_keys (1)            |   2.00|   3.00|   2.00|   3.00|   2.00| 
>   1.00|  11.00|

> min_max (60)                        |   3.00|   3.00|   3.00|   6.00|   7.00| 
>   4.00|  12.00|

> min_max_on_key (85000)              |  17.00|  17.00|  18.00|  16.00|  16.00| 
>  11.00|  54.00|

> multiple_value_insert (100000)      |   1.00|   1.00|   2.00|   1.00|   1.00| 
>   2.00|   5.00|

> once_prepared_select (100000)       |  24.00|  25.00|  24.00|  16.00|  14.00| 
>  10.00|  99.00|

> order_by_big (10)                   |  22.00|  22.00|  22.00|  24.00|  24.00| 
>  18.00|  92.00|

> order_by_big_key (10)               |  21.00|  20.00|  19.00|  20.00|  20.00| 
>  17.00|  87.00|

> order_by_big_key2 (10)              |  20.00|  19.00|  18.00|  20.00|  20.00| 
>  15.00|  84.00|

> order_by_big_key_desc (10)          |  20.00|  21.00|  19.00|  21.00|  20.00| 
>  17.00|  85.00|

> order_by_big_key_diff (10)          |  22.00|  21.00|  21.00|  22.00|  22.00| 
>  17.00|  91.00|

> order_by_big_key_prefix (10)        |  20.00|  20.00|  19.00|  19.00|  20.00| 
>  16.00|  81.00|

> order_by_key2_diff (500)            |   2.00|   3.00|   2.00|   2.00|   2.00| 
>   2.00|   9.00|

> order_by_key_prefix (500)           |   1.00|   1.00|   1.00|   2.00|   2.00| 
>   0.00|   5.00|

> order_by_range (500)                |   2.00|   1.00|   2.00|   1.00|   1.00| 
>   2.00|   5.00|

> outer_join (10)                     |   2.00|   2.00|   2.00|  19.00|  20.00| 
>  13.00|   8.00|

> outer_join_found (10)               |   1.00|   2.00|   2.00|  19.00|  19.00| 
>  12.00|   7.00|

> outer_join_not_found (500)          |   2.00|   1.00|   1.00|  13.00|  14.00| 
>   8.00|   6.00|

> outer_join_on_key (10)              |   2.00|   1.00|   2.00|  16.00|  15.00| 
>   9.00|   6.00|

> prepared_select (100000)            |  33.00|  32.00|  33.00|  23.00|  23.00| 
>  16.00| 156.00|

> select_1_row (100000)               |  16.00|  16.00|  16.00|   9.00|   9.00| 
>   6.00|  61.00|

> select_1_row_cache (100000)         |   9.00|   9.00|   8.00|   9.00|   8.00| 
>   6.00|  16.00|

> select_2_rows (100000)              |  18.00|  17.00|  16.00|  10.00|  10.00| 
>   7.00|  67.00|

> select_big (80)                     |  20.00|  20.00|  18.00|  19.00|  21.00| 
>  16.00|  82.00|

> select_big_str (10000)              |   6.00|   5.00|   5.00|   4.00|   4.00| 
>   8.00|  54.00|

> select_cache (10000)                |   2.00|   2.00|   2.00|  36.00|  33.00| 
>  23.00|   5.00|

> select_cache2 (10000)               |  30.00|  29.00|  28.00|  36.00|  34.00| 
>  22.00| 142.00|

> select_column+column (100000)       |  18.00|  18.00|  16.00|  10.00|  10.00| 
>   6.00|  64.00|

> select_diff_key (500)               |  35.00|  39.00|  35.00|  35.00|  35.00| 
>  29.00| 187.00|

> select_distinct (800)               |   1.00|   2.00|   1.00|   4.00|   5.00| 
>   3.00|   5.00|

> select_group (2911)                 |   3.00|   3.00|   2.00|  17.00|  17.00| 
>  11.00|  10.00|

> select_group_when_MANY_tables (10000|   2.00|   3.00|   2.00|   1.00|   1.00| 
>   2.00|  40.00|

> select_join (100)                   |   0.00|   1.00|   0.00|   0.00|   1.00| 
>   0.00|   1.00|

> select_key (200000)                 |  60.00|  61.00|  58.00|  46.00|  44.00| 
>  30.00| 268.00|

> select_key2 (200000)                |  63.00|  63.00|  60.00|  48.00|  46.00| 
>  32.00| 288.00|

> select_key2_return_key (200000)     |  59.00|  60.00|  57.00|  43.00|  43.00| 
>  30.00| 275.00|

> select_key2_return_prim (200000)    |  61.00|  62.00|  58.00|  46.00|  44.00| 
>  31.00| 292.00|

> select_key_prefix (200000)          |  62.00|  62.00|  61.00|  47.00|  47.00| 
>  33.00| 293.00|

> select_key_prefix_join (100)        |   4.00|   3.00|   4.00|   6.00|   5.00| 
>   4.00|  16.00|

> select_key_return_key (200000)      |  59.00|  59.00|  57.00|  42.00|  42.00| 
>  29.00| 264.00|

> select_many_fields (2000)           |   7.00|   7.00|   7.00|  10.00|   9.00| 
>   7.00|  21.00|

> select_range (410)                  |   8.00|   8.00|   8.00|  49.00|  52.00| 
>  64.00|  33.00|

> select_range_key2 (25010)           |   4.00|   4.00|   3.00|   7.00|   7.00| 
>   5.00|  12.00|

> select_range_prefix (25010)         |   5.00|   3.00|   5.00|   7.00|   7.00| 
>   5.00|  12.00|

> select_simple (100000)              |   9.00|  10.00|   8.00|   6.00|   6.00| 
>   3.00|  19.00|

> select_simple_cache (100000)        |  10.00|   9.00|   8.00|   6.00|   6.00| 
>   4.00|  19.00|

> select_simple_join (500)            |   1.00|   0.00|   1.00|   1.00|   1.00| 
>   2.00|   2.00|

> update_big (10)                     |  18.00|  18.00|  18.00|  11.00|  12.00| 
>   9.00|  30.00|

> update_of_key (50000)               |   9.00|   9.00|   9.00|   6.00|   8.00| 
>   5.00|  37.00|

> update_of_key_big (501)             |   8.00|   9.00|   9.00|   8.00|   8.00| 
>   5.00|  30.00|

> update_of_primary_key_many_keys (256|  13.00|  13.00|  14.00|  17.00|  16.00| 
>  34.00|  37.00|

> update_with_key (300000)            |  44.00|  43.00|  40.00|  29.00|  28.00| 
>  21.00| 148.00|

> update_with_key_prefix (100000)     |  16.00|  16.00|  15.00|  11.00|  11.00| 
>   8.00|  59.00|

> wisc_benchmark (114)                |   2.00|   2.00|   1.00|   2.00|   2.00| 
>   2.00|   5.00|

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> TOTALS                              
> |1207.00|1229.00|1185.00|1557.00|1530.00|1531.00|5099.00|

> =============================================================================================



> [-- text/plain, encoding 7bit, charset: us-ascii, 5 lines --]



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