Hey Douglass,

Curious about using Smarty (taking the Crash Course and bookmarked a couple 
of other tut's)... One of the advantages of using a DB to store the HTML 
Sites was the opportunity to give the user an automated Zip file of their 
site if they wanted to download it and create their own site (domain) with 
it at any time... can this be done with Smarty? Like I said - I've used 
Smarty before - but only through a program called Jamroom - and it's 
basically using their Variables for their program - and it was limited.

So, my main concern is - if the User wanted to download their site and have 
their own copy to upload to another domain - would it be possible to do 
this? Sorry, my mind is tired along with my eyes... I guess I'm still not 
100% sure how Smarty works!



On 9/12/05, clint lenard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Douglass, thanks for the tips!
> As far as Mambo or Xoops - I wanted to create something a little different 
> - but I WAS thinking of using Smarty before-hand... I just wasn't sure how I 
> could really use it? I'm familiar with Smarty as far as I've played around 
> with it a little... but I guess I wasn't sure how I could use it in this 
> situation... are you saying that I should have Smarty hold the design - and 
> use MySQL to populate the "Virtual Sites" with the Content stored in the DB? 
> It sounds like a great Idea and would probably be much more Resource 
> friendly! This is why I asked for more info and gave more info - hoping NOT 
> to get someone to code anything - but to give me Ideas on what would work 
> the best. :)
> Thanks alot for the info Douglass! I'm going to search the web for more 
> Tutorials on Smarty - hopefully I find something related to this! It'd 
> probably make my life much easier if what I think you're saying is what 
> you're actually saying lol
> wrote:
> > 
> > clint lenard wrote:
> > 
> > Hi guys, I'm fairly new to MySQL and I've searched for about a week looking 
> > for an answer to this...
> > 
> > I'm trying to design a Database that would hold HTML sites in the DB itself 
> > and use PHP to call for the HTML file - which would be populated with 
> > Content from another table in MySQL. I was told I could put HTML into 
> > MySQL... so my main question would be: "is this possible?", "is this a BAD 
> > thing?" but most of all... would this be resource intensive?
> > 
> > Thanks for any answers! I hope I'm using this list correctly - I did search 
> > Google and I've been reading an MySQL Manual for over a week now trying to 
> > get it down 110%!
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Clint
> > 
> >    
> > If you would like, you may check out these related technologies that do 
> > what you are talking about already:
> > 
> > www.mamboserver.com <http://www.mamboserver.com>
> > www.xoops.com <http://www.xoops.com>
> > 
> > Also, if you use templates, it makes it easy to just keep the relevant 
> > parts of the page, and then display them inside of a predefined template. 
> > That way, you can change the template whenever you want, and all your pages 
> > will change. If you store the part of the HTML that formats the text 
> > (color, 
> > style etc) in the DB, this isn't possible.
> > 
> > smarty.php.net <http://smarty.php.net>
> > 
> > wasn't sure if you could use any of these, but, here's the info. 
> > 
> > -- 
> > http://www.douglassdavis.com
> > 
> > 

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