
I host a big french website including forum (phpbb), search engine (mnogo),
album (smartor), blogs... around 780Mo in MySQL

Everything work fine with my old configuration :
- One SQL/mail server bi-Xeon, 2.6Ghz, 3Go :
........FC4, MySQL 4.0, Postfix-Mysql, Courier-imap Mysql
- One front server vi-Xeon, 2.2Gh, 2Go :
.......FC2, Apache 1.33, php 4.4.0

Yersterday, I decided to update from mysql 4.0 to mysql 4.1.
I simply use "rpm -Uv MySQL-server....rpm"

Since this update, I see many mysql_too_many_connection.
So I deciede to increase this setting in my my.cnf from 500 to 1000.

But I don't know why Mysql is so slow to return query.
The server keep a low load average around 1-2 and CPU's usage around 20%.

I also try to use Fedora RPM, But problem is still present.

Please help me, my visitors become crazy ;-)

Below, I paste my different data :

### /etc/my.cnf
port = 3306
socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
key_buffer = 384M
max_allowed_packet = 1M
table_cache = 512
sort_buffer_size = 2M
read_buffer_size = 2M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 8M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
thread_cache = 60
query_cache_size = 32M
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
thread_concurrency = 8
max_connections = 1200
log_error = /var/lib/mysql/mysql_error_log

### mysqlreport
MySQL 4.1.12 uptime 0 0:47:27 Tue Sep 13 00:06:40 2005

__ Key _________________________________________________________________
Buffer usage 18.51M of 384.00M %Used: 4.82
Write ratio 0.42
Read ratio 0.00

__ Questions ___________________________________________________________
Total 2.39M 838.96/s
Slow 0 0.00/s %Total: 0.00 %DMS: 0.00
DMS 381.82k 134.11/s 15.99

__ Table Locks _________________________________________________________
Waited 18.69k 6.57/s %Total: 3.88
Immediate 462.66k 162.51/s

__ Tables ______________________________________________________________
Open 512 of 512 %Cache: 100.00
Opened 895 0.31/s

__ Connections _________________________________________________________
Max used 704 of 1200 %Max: 58.67
Total 275.89k 96.91/s

__ Created Temp ________________________________________________________
Disk table 5.98k 2.10/s
Table 17.80k 6.25/s
File 7 0.00/s

 ### ./mysqlreport -dms -com 5
MySQL 4.1.12 uptime 0 9:29:17 Tue Sep 13 08:48:30 2005

__ Key _________________________________________________________________
Buffer usage 29.91M of 384.00M %Used: 7.79
Write ratio 0.33
Read ratio 0.00

__ Questions ___________________________________________________________
Total 11.72M 343.26/s
Slow 0 0.00/s %Total: 0.00 %DMS: 0.00
DMS 1.80M 52.80/s 15.38
UPDATE 997.17k 29.19/s 8.50 55.29
SELECT 750.53k 21.97/s 6.40 41.61
INSERT 33.51k 0.98/s 0.29 1.86
DELETE 22.35k 0.65/s 0.19 1.24
REPLACE 0 0.00/s 0.00 0.00
Com_ 1.37M 39.98/s 11.65
change_db 1.36M 39.92/s 11.63
set_option 437 0.01/s 0.00
show_status 280 0.01/s 0.00
begin 274 0.01/s 0.00
commit 274 0.01/s 0.00

__ Table Locks _________________________________________________________
Waited 36.09k 1.06/s %Total: 1.58
Immediate 2.25M 65.85/s

__ Tables ______________________________________________________________
Open 512 of 512 %Cache: 100.00
Opened 1.06k 0.03/s

__ Connections _________________________________________________________
Max used 704 of 1200 %Max: 58.67
Total 1.28M 37.46/s

__ Created Temp ________________________________________________________
Disk table 28.27k 0.83/s
Table 87.37k 2.56/s
File 19 0.00/s

### top
top - 00:02:46 up 5:38, 3 users, load average: 1.84, 1.71, 1.50
Tasks: 165 total, 1 running, 164 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 9.8% us, 2.4% sy, 0.0% ni, 87.0% id, 0.4% wa, 0.1% hi, 0.3% si
Mem: 3115044k total, 3036040k used, 79004k free, 545064k buffers
Swap: 2031608k total, 0k used, 2031608k free, 620516k cached

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