Phong Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/15/2005 10:56:57 AM:

> All,
> Could you please tell us what are the differences
> between ORACLE SQL plus and MYSQL SQL? We developed
> application using ColdFusion with Oracle. Now I like
> to point my application to mysql database. How do I
> fix my application to work with Mysql?
> Thankyou

You asked basically two questions:

a) what are the differences between ORACLE SQL plus and MYSQL?

First, I must refer you to the official MySQL documentation. Everything 
you will need to know to answer your question will be in there. I am 
assuming that you already understand Oracle SQL Plus, as you are using it.

It does not do a point-by-point comparison between the two products you 
list but if you understand Oracle and read this to see how you form the 
MySQL equivalent to each Oracle statement you use (you can skip around to 
read just the parts you need then come back and get the rest later), the 
differences will be readily apparent. If you do not already understand 
your Oracle back-end, you have a serious disadvantage to making this a 
smooth transition.

b) How do I fix my application to work with Mysql?

The simple answer is: Change your website's code to use a compatible MySQL 
client library and modify all SQL statements to be MySQL compatible. 

Exactly how you do that with the environment you specified, I don't have a 
clue. I looked at Cold Fusion once (several years ago) so how that tool 
helps to automate the development of the data storage and retrieval 
process is beyond me. How much you need to change your SQL statements 
depends on how they are with MySQL already. One well-known point on how 
MySQL and Oracle differ is in how to define a JOIN in a SQL statement. 
MySQL works best if you use the explicit "[INNER|LEFT|RIGHT] JOIN ... ON 
..." format. AFAIK, Oracle does not support this syntax.

I wish you well. If you have any specific translation issues that you 
cannot resolve by reading the manual, please bring it back to the list. I 
am sure someone will be able to help.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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