2005/9/18, Miguel Cardenas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/mysql-free-result.html
> > it does not says : you have to retrieve all rows before freing it. So
> > you should be able to free the result. Otherwise it's a bug or
> > undocumented behaviour.
> > But why don't you use the Count(*) solution ?? that's exactly what you
> > need IMHO.
> No, I don't need to know if exists *any* record, I need to know if it exist
> one specific record or set of records, but not to retrieve them, just need to
> know if it/they exist to take a decition on how to insert the following
> ones... if I need only to know if there is data on the table the COUNT(*)
> would be enough...

I'm a bit confused. If you just need to know if there is data matching
a criteria, a count(*) is enough and will do absolutely the same thing
that you want, and spare you the mysql_store_result with a whole
count(*) as nothing to do with knowing is there is data in the table or not...
If I'm still wrong, could you provide a sample query ?

Webzine Rock : http://www.w-fenec.org/

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