
I have recently converted my Java Servlets to run against mySQL where previously I was 
using Microsoft Access. I use Tomcat and have swapped drivers etc and everything works 
fine, more or less. However, I have one big problem which is as follows :-

My servlet software dynamically builds SQL of the following form, which to my 
knowledge is fairly standard :-


Query is: select * from service where ((primary_category in (select sub_category
from category where sport = 1 )));

java.sql.SQLException: Syntax error or access violation: You have an error in yo
ur SQL syntax near 'select sub_category from category where sport = 1 )))' at li
ne 1


The text above is copied directly from some diagnostics on my Tomcat console.

If I use exactly the same query from phpMyAdmin I get exactly the same error so it's 
not my JDBC driver that's at fault.

Why won't mySQL let me use this construct ?

Many thanks.

Jon Green.

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