I don't have any experience with stored procedures and find the
Documentation in the MYSQL manual a bit sketchy or maybe I am just miss
reading it. Can any one point me to some documentation that will help with
fully understanding Stored Procedures? 


What I am trying to migrate out of my program code is a procedure to do the
following for update commands.


1)     Determine that the ID Field and the Last Updated Timestamp Field is
still the same as when the data was originally read.

2)     If not the same then Raise an error back to the program so It can
determine the action.

3)     If the same then lock row and perform update.


Future development of this could extend to remove more out of code to handle
when the two don't match. The procedure there is 

1)     Compare Original Field Value to Current Value in Memory if the two
don't match then

2)     IF the Original Field Value and the Current Value Stored in Table
Match then update Field IF not then raise error and prompt user for action.


This may be more information than required, but some one out their might be
doing similar things that they can point me in the direction of some more
documentation or even better still a few Example scripts that I can pull
apart and learn from.




              Justin Elward


Blue Wave Software Pty Limited



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