> -----Original Message-----
> From: Devananda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 14:56
> To: Jeff
> Cc: mysql@lists.mysql.com
> Subject: Re: MyISAM to InnoDB
> Jeff wrote:
> > 
> > Well the applications with persistant connections is a 
> touchy subject. 
> > Our apps send and rec data over satelite links which are very 
> > expensive. The shorter the duration of the link the less it 
> costs us.  
> > So the pervailing theory is that with persistant 
> connections the apps 
> > will spend less time re-connecting/dis-connecting from the 
> db.  Even 
> > fractions of a second counts when you're talking about thousands of 
> > connections a day and we are charged by the second for airtime.  
> > That's the whole driving force behind wanting to switch over to 
> > InnoDB.  The thought is it would give us faster writes when 
> we have a 
> > hundred apps trying to write at or very near the same time 
> because of 
> > the record level locking as opposed to the MyISAM Table 
> level locking 
> > during writes and updates.
> > 
> > Now, the question is, if we need to drop the persistant 
> connections in 
> > order to move to an InnoDB engine, will the speed benefit of record 
> > level locking outweigh what is lost by not having persistant 
> > connections?
> The only way to know is to test it in your environment. I 
> don't believe 
> anyone on the list could answer that question with certainty.
> Just out of curiosity, I wrote a couple scripts in perl to 
> very loosely 
> test this.
> ------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - test]# cat loop.sh
> #!/bin/bash
> for x in `seq 1 10`; do
>   $1
> done
> ----------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - test]# cat con.pl
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> require DBI;
> print "Start\n";
> my $con = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql::db3-p", 'user', 'pass')
>          or die("Failed to connect!");
> print "Connected!\n";
> exit;
> ----------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - test]# cat nocon.pl
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> require DBI;
> print "Start\n";
> #my $con = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql::db3-p", 'user', 'pass')
> #       or die("Failed to connect!");
> print "Skipped Connecting!\n";
> exit;
> -------------------
> time ./loop.sh ; time ./loop.sh ./nocon.pl >/dev/null; time ./loop.sh 
> ./con.pl >/dev/null
> ((( bash script overhead )))
> real    0m0.004s
> user    0m0.002s
> sys     0m0.002s
> ((( perl script with no connection )))
> real    0m0.595s
> user    0m0.520s
> sys     0m0.057s
> ((( same perl script with connection )))
> real    0m0.781s
> user    0m0.682s
> sys     0m0.064s
> Now, I know this is *far* from an accurate test, and doesn't 
> demonstrate 
> any of the specifics of your servers, but it does show that, on my 
> servers, with perl, there is roughly a 0.02sec real and 0.007sec sys 
> overhead to make and close the connection. Take that for what 
> you will.
> > 
> > That being said and having just looked at our connections 
> for the past 
> > 60 minutes during what is our roughly our peak time I only 
> see about 
> > 350 which is roughly one every 10 seconds with a rough avg 
> connection 
> > time of about 28 seconds most of which is transfer of data 
> and not db 
> > read/write/updates.  So, I believe, from that information I 
> can make 
> > an educated guess that the MyISAM table locking is not the real 
> > bottleneck here and therefore it's probably not going to do 
> us a lot 
> > of good to switch to InnoDB, especially with our current 
> hardware and 
> > application behavior.  Thoughts?
> With one connection every 10 seconds, I don't understand how 
> table lock 
> contention is a concern, unless your queries are so large 
> that they lock 
> the table for *that* long. If so, are they properly indexed?
> It doesn't sound like that is your problem though, so that's not a 
> reason to move to InnoDB.
> > 
> > At some point however, as our traffic grows we probably will hit a 
> > point where the db read/write/updates will start to become a 
> > bottleneck and we'll need to look at moving to a 64bit 
> arch, >2gig ram 
> > and the InnoDB engine.  What status variables should I be 
> looking at 
> > to see if we have a lot of read/write/updates being delayed?
> > 
> See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/internal-locking.html
> and http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/show-status.html
> "Table_locks_immediate
> The number of times that a table lock was acquired 
> immediately. This variable was added as of MySQL 3.23.33.
> Table_locks_waited
> The number of times that a table lock could not be acquired 
> immediately and a wait was needed. If this is high, and you 
> have performance problems, you should first optimize your 
> queries, and then either split your table or tables or use 
> replication. This variable was added as of MySQL 3.23.33."
> For example, this is from our MyISAM server (uptime 200days, 
> 7% selects, 
> very un-optimized but still performs well enough),
> mysql> show status like 'table%';
> Table_locks_immediate   12810013
> Table_locks_waited      306450
> Hope that helps!
> Devananda vdv

All the information so far has helped!

With our current Production DB server I'm seeing about 1 in 620 table
locks that wait.

| Variable_name         | Value    |
| Table_locks_immediate | 66399221 |
| Table_locks_waited    | 106985   |

So I'm guessing that's not too bad.  Given all the information that
everyone here has contributed I don't think, at this point anyway, it's
worth converting to InnoDB.  From the reading I've done and all the info
from everyone here I have a much better understanding of the InnoDB
engine and setup though and that will certainly serve me in the future.
I'd like to thank everyone for they're help and advice!



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