Title: Security Question

Hi All --

I have been a member of this list for a while but I actually have a question that I can't answer.

MySQL v4.1.14-nt on Win2k3 Server

I've got someone who is trying to get in, but I have locked it down. Methods used include, but are not limited to:

No Outside Root Access
System DSNs for Web connectivity
Strong Passwords for each user
User Permissions different for each purpose

Here's the question -- It's a DoS attack and it's locking up the system for other users (max_connections_allowed).

Anything I can do extra via MySQL that will keep this person away, or perhaps free up the server? I would rather not increase the max_conn_allowed var as it's already at 800 (more than I need).

Do not have access to the Router (I wish I did, ACLs are such a great thing), but have full Admin rights to the server.

Thanks everyone!


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