
>except for shared-compat, for which there is only a 4.1.13 version - is it

>acceptable that that RPM be a rev back from the rest?

In my opinion, this rpm contains only old libraries which don't change

with every new release of MySQL. However,I'm agree - it's a bit


>of 4.1.9. Is there any particular reason I should switch to the RPMs for

>glibc 2.3, or not? Can I go directly from the one to the other, during an

>RPM upgrade, with no issues?

I don't see the reason why you should switch to the glibc 2.3 version.

glibc 2.2 is a "rock stable" version. However, in my opinion, you

shouldn't have any problems related to glibc. 

"Shaun T. Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have a CentOS-3 (RHEL 3 equivalent) with MySQL 4.1.9 installed from the

>MySQL site. The RPMs I'm using are:








>I see that 4.1.14 is the latest version. When I went to download the latest

>RPMs, I got confused though. There are 4.1.14 versions of all of the above,

>except for shared-compat, for which there is only a 4.1.13 version - is it

>acceptable that that RPM be a rev back from the rest?


>Also, I see that there are glibc 2.3 versions of the above. I have

>glibc-2.3.2-95.33 installed. I'm not currently running the glibc 2.3 version

>of 4.1.9. Is there any particular reason I should switch to the RPMs for

>glibc 2.3, or not? Can I go directly from the one to the other, during an

>RPM upgrade, with no issues?


>Anything else I didn't think of? :)

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