"Jeremiah Gowdy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/11/2005 03:08:40 AM:

> The Windows DLL is thread safe.  You do not have to call my_init() 
> and my_thread_init() because Windows DLLs receive events when they 
> are attached to a new process and when they are attached to a new 
> thread in a process.  This is one of the nicer features of Windows 
> shared libraries.  Other than that, you don't have to do anything 
> special.  I am a heavy user of libmysql under Win32.  You simply 
> mysql_init() your MYSQL struct, and then mysql_real_connect() and 
> you're ready to mysql_query().
> You should not call my_init() or my_thread_init() as the previous 
> poster suggested.  This could result in memory leaks.
> From libmysql/dll.c
> BOOL APIENTRY LibMain(HANDLE hInst,DWORD ul_reason_being_called,
> LPVOID lpReserved)
> {
>   switch (ul_reason_being_called) {
>     case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: /* case of libentry call in win 3.x */
>       if (!inited++)
>       {
>         s_hModule=hInst;
>         libmysql_init();
>         main_thread=GetCurrentThreadId();
>       }
>     break;
>       threads++;
>       my_thread_init();
>     break;
>     case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: /* case of wep call in win 3.x */
>       if (!--inited) /* Safety */
>       {
>         /* my_thread_init() */ /* This may give extra safety */
>         my_end(0);
>       }
>     break;
>       /* Main thread will free by my_end() */
>       threads--;
>       if (main_thread != GetCurrentThreadId())
>       my_thread_end();
>     break;
>     default:
>     break;
>   } /* switch */
>   return TRUE;
> } /* LibMain */
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "John McCaskey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 10:31 AM
> Subject: RE: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?
> Sean,
> First let me thank you for all the great posts and info I've seen you
> put on this list for others.
> I've been working in C with MySQL in a very multithreaded environment
> for several years and think I can explain the thread safety issues
> clearly.  Rather than try to respond point by point to your question I'm
> going to give a summary and if that doesn't help please respond again
> and I'll answer specific questions.
> First, mysql is in fact pretty much threadsafe when using the _r
> library.  You definitely do need to use the _r library and not the
> normal one as the SIGPIPE discussion applies to both, the non _r library
> has additional safety issues surrounding mysql_real_connect() and should
> not be used.  On windows you don't really need to do anything here I
> believe because "the Windows binaries are by default compiled to be
> thread-safe." (from
> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/threaded-clients.html). To validate
> this in your client code you should in the main() function close to
> startup use mysql_thread_safe() to verify your linked in version is
> thread safe. 
> The next thing you need to do is initialize mysql globally before
> creating any threads that will use it.  Simply call my_init(); in your
> main thread.  After this you can go ahead and create any threads.  In
> the threads you create you need to call mysql_thread_init(); and when
> you end the thread mysql_thread_end();  in between these calls you can
> just use mysql as normal and the mysql_real_connect function will be
> thread safe, you do not need to perform any locking of your own to make
> only one call at a time or anything along those lines.
> Here is some pseudo code of what you need to do:
> int main(int argc, char **argv) {
>   if(!mysql_thread_safe()) {
>     fprintf(stderr, "Not Thread safe!!!");
>     return 1;
>   }
>   my_init();
>   // your regular init code
>   // create the threads that will use mysql
>   CreateThread(....);
> }
> void *mysql_thread(void *arg) {
> mysql_thread_init();
> //regular mysql code and whatever else here
>       //use mysql_real_connect and mysql_real_query 
>       //and whatever without worrying about thread safety
>       mysql_thread_end();
> } 
> John A. McCaskey
> Software Development Engineer
> Klir Technologies, Inc.
> 206.902.2027
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 9:01 AM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mysql@lists.mysql.com
> Subject: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?
> Shawn Green
> Database Administrator
> Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Thank you very much!!

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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