Hi folk!

I'm new to mysql and to databases...
I'm using Fedora Core 4 with mysql 4.1.11-2 I need some application clients
to connect the server using SSL connections. I've created and tested x509
certificates using the way mysql documentation explain, I've modified the
/etc/my.cnf [mysqld] and [client] sections with the certificates that are
located in /etc/pki (I've made some test with the certificates in /usr/pki
The fact is that I cant start mysql with ssl support using the
/etc/ec/d/init.d/mysql script. But the interesting thing is that if I copy
the "same" script to any different folder it works. If it is in the
init.dfolder I always get an SSL connection error.
running mysqld, mysqld_safe by hand work perfectly and SSL works too. This
is annoying I'll appreciate any help in respect.

thanks in advance and best regards...

Israel Fdez. Cabrera

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