
can you please post a few typical


outputs during the stress test.

Best regards,


----- Original Message ----- From: "yang george" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 1:50 PM
Subject: How Can I upgrade TPC-C performance test result for mysql

dear sir:
we develop a TPC-C test progrom,this program use mysql ODBC3.51 to
connect mysql server, and use microsoft sqlserver odbc to connect
we suppose you are know well the TPC-C.

we use  InnoDB as mysql's store engine.
follow is the os and hardware information:
=09os : Windows advance server 2000
=09CPU: 2X3.0Ghz
=09disk: only one 40G IDE disk

table struct:
=09for one warehouse,we stat all table list:
=09table name=09| record numbers |=09type record size(bytes)=09| type tab=
size(K bytes)
=09 Warehouse=09 | 1=09 | 89=09 | 0.0=
District=09 | 10=09 | 95=09 | 0.95=
Customer=09 | 30k=09 | 655=09 | 1965=
   History=09    |   30k=09        |    46=09                  |      1380
   Order=09      |   30k=09        |    24=09                  |      720
   New-Order=09  |   9k=09          |    8=09                    |      72
Order-Line=09| 300k=09 | 54=09 | 1620=
Stock=09 | 100k=09 | 306=09 | 30=
   Item=09      |   100k=09        |    82=09                  |      8200

=09SQL sentence:
=09create  table warehouse ( w_id int not null, w_name varchar(10) null,
w_street_1 varchar(20) null, w_street_2 varchar(20) null, w_city
varchar(20) null, w_state char(2) null, w_zip char(9) null, w_tax
float null, w_ytd float null, primary key(w_id) );
=09create  table district ( d_id int not null, d_w_id int not null,
d_name varchar(10) null, d_street_1 varchar(20) null, d_street_2
varchar(20) null, d_city varchar(20) null, d_state char(2) null, d_zip
char(9) null, d_tax float null, d_ytd float null, d_next_o_id int
null, primary key(d_w_id, d_id),foreign key(d_w_id)references
warehouse(w_id) );
=09create  table customer ( c_id int not null, c_d_id int not null,
c_w_id int not null, c_first varchar(16) null, c_middle char(2) null,
c_last varchar(16) null, c_street_1 varchar(20) null, c_street_2
varchar(20) null, c_city varchar(20) null, c_state char(2) null, c_zip
char(9) null, c_phone char(16) null, c_since timestamp null, c_credit
char(2) null, c_credit_lim float null, c_discount float null,
c_balance float null, c_ytd_payment float null, c_payment_cnt int
null, c_delivery_cnt int null, c_data varchar(500) null, primary
key(c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id),foreign key(c_w_id,c_d_id) references
district(d_w_id,d_id) );
=09create  table history ( h_c_id int null, h_c_d_id int null, h_c_w_id
int null, h_d_id int null, h_w_id int null, h_date timestamp null,
h_amount float null, h_data varchar(24) null,foreign
key(h_c_w_id,h_c_d_id,h_c_id) references
customer(c_w_id,c_d_id,c_id),foreign key(h_w_id,h_d_id)references
district(d_w_id,d_id) );
=09create  table orders ( o_id int not null, o_d_id int not null, o_w_id
int not null, o_c_id int null, o_entry_d timestamp null, o_carrier_id
int null, o_ol_cnt int null, o_all_local int null, primary key(o_w_id,
o_d_id, o_id),foreign key(o_w_id,o_d_id,o_c_id)references
customer(c_w_id,c_d_id,c_id) );
=09create  table new_order ( no_o_id int not null, no_d_id int not null,
no_w_id int not null, primary key(no_w_id, no_d_id, no_o_id),foreign
key(no_w_id,no_d_id,no_o_id)references orders(o_w_id,o_d_id,o_id) );
=09create  table item ( i_id int not null, i_im_id int null, i_name
varchar(24) null, i_price float null, i_data varchar(50) null, primary
key(i_id) );
=09create  table stock ( s_i_id int not null, s_w_id int not null,
s_quantity int null, s_dist_01 varchar(24) null, s_dist_02 varchar(24)
null, s_dist_03 varchar(24) null, s_dist_04 varchar(24) null,
s_dist_05 varchar(24) null, s_dist_06 varchar(24) null, s_dist_07
varchar(24) null, s_dist_08 varchar(24) null, s_dist_09 varchar(24)
null, s_dist_10 varchar(24) null, s_ytd int null, s_order_cnt int
null, s_remote_cnt int null, s_data varchar(50) null, primary
key(s_w_id, s_i_id),foreign key(s_w_id)references
warehouse(w_id),foreign key(s_i_id)references item(i_id) );
=09create  table order_line ( ol_o_id  int not null, ol_d_id int not
null, ol_w_id  int not null, ol_number int not null, ol_i_id int null,
ol_supply_w_id int null, ol_delivery_d timestamp null, ol_quantity int
null, ol_amount float null, ol_dist_info char(24) null, primary
key(ol_w_id, ol_d_id, ol_o_id, ol_number),foreign
key(ol_w_id,ol_d_id,ol_o_id) references
key(ol_supply_w_id,ol_i_id)references stock(s_w_id,s_i_id) );
=09create index i_orders on orders (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_c_id, o_id);
=09create index i_customer on customer (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_last, c_first, c_=
transaction information:
=09  transaction type  |  min percent(%) |   min keyboard time(sec)  | =20
90% response time(sec)  |    min think time(sec)
=091    New-Order      |    N/a          |      18sec                | =20
   5sec                |        12sec
=092    Payment        |    43.0         |      3sec                 | =20
   5sec                |        12sec
=093    Order-Status   |    4.0          |      2sec=09                | =
   5sec=09              |         10sec
=094 Delivery | 4.0=09 | 2sec=09 | =
   5sec=09            |           5sec
=095 Stock-Level=09 | 4.0=09 | 2sec=09 | =
  20sec=09            |         5sec
transaction isolation level : SERIALIZABLE

=09table_cache =3D 200
=09thread_concurrency =3D 8
=09innodb_log_files_in_group =3D 3
test method:
=09for every warehouse simulate 10 users. and connect server via a
connect pool(create by test client)
=09follow is all of SQL sentence,please don't change these:
=091:delivery transaction(step by step)
=09=09=09SELECT no_o_id FROM new_order WHERE no_d_id =3D %d AND no_w_id =3D=
ORDER BY no_d_id ASC;
=09=09=09DELETE FROM new_order WHERE no_o_id =3D %s AND no_d_id =3D %d AND =
no_w_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09SELECT o_c_id FROM orders WHERE o_id =3D %s AND o_d_id =3D %d AND =
o_w_id=3D %d;
=09=09=09UPDATE orders SET o_carrier_id =3D %d WHERE o_id =3D %s AND o_d_id=
=3D %d
AND o_w_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09UPDATE order_line SET ol_delivery_d =3D %s WHERE ol_o_id =3D %s AN=
ol_d_id =3D %d AND ol_w_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09SELECT SUM(ol_amount) FROM order_line WHERE ol_o_id =3D %s AND
ol_d_id =3D %d AND  ol_w_id=3D %d;
=09=09=09UPDATE customer SET c_balance =3D c_balance + %f , c_delivery_cnt=
c_delivery_cnt + 1 WHERE c_id =3D %s AND c_d_id =3D %d AND c_w_id =3D %d;
=092:new_order transacyion(step by step)
=09=09=09SELECT c_discount, c_last, c_credit,w_tax FROM customer,warehouse
WHERE w_id =3D %d AND c_w_id =3D w_id AND c_d_id =3D %d AND c_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09SELECT d_next_o_id, d_tax FROM district WHERE d_id =3D %d AND d_w_=
id =3D %d;
=09=09=09UPDATE district SET d_next_o_id =3D %d WHERE d_id =3D %d AND d_w_i=
d =3D %d;
=09=09=09INSERT INTO orders (o_id, o_d_id, o_w_id, o_c_id, o_entry_d,
o_ol_cnt, o_all_local) VALUES (%s, %d, %d, %d, %s, %d, %d);
=09=09=09INSERT INTO new_order (no_o_id, no_d_id, no_w_id) VALUES (%s, %d, =
=09=09=09SELECT i_price, i_name, i_data FROM item WHERE i_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09SELECT s_quantity, s_data
FROM stock WHERE s_i_id =3D %d AND s_w_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09UPDATE stock SET s_quantity =3D %d, s_ytd=3Ds_ytd +
%d,s_order_cnt=3Ds_order_cnt+1,s_remote_cnt=3Ds_remote_cnt+%d WHERE s_i_id
=3D %d AND s_w_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09INSERT INTO order_line (ol_o_id, ol_d_id, ol_w_id,
ol_number,ol_i_id, ol_supply_w_id, ol_quantity, ol_amount,
ol_dist_info) VALUES (%s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f,'%s');
=093:order_status transaction(step by step)
=09=09=09SELECT count(c_id) FROM customer WHERE c_last =3D '%s' AND c_d_id =
%d AND c_w_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09SELECT c_balance,c_first,c_middle,c_id FROM customer WHERE c_last =
'%s' AND c_d_id =3D %d AND c_w_id =3D %d ORDER BY c_first;
=09=09=09SELECT c_balance,c_first, c_middle, c_last FROM customer WHERE c_i=
=3D %d AND c_d_id =3D %d AND c_w_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09SELECT o_id, o_carrier_id, o_entry_d FROM orders WHERE o_c_id =3D =
AND o_d_id =3D %d AND o_w_id =3D %d ORDER BY o_id DESC;
=09=09=09SELECT ol_i_id, ol_supply_w_id, ol_quantity,
ol_amount,ol_delivery_d FROM order_line WHERE ol_o_id =3D %s AND ol_d_id
=3D %d AND ol_w_id =3D %d;
=094:payment transaction(step by step)
=09=09=09SELECT w_street_1, w_street_2, w_city, w_state, w_zip, w_name FRO=
warehouse WHERE w_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09SELECT d_street_1, d_street_2, d_city, d_state, d_zip, d_name FROM
district WHERE d_w_id =3D %d AND d_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09SELECT count(c_id) FROM customer WHERE c_last =3D '%s' AND c_d_id =
%d AND c_w_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09SELECT c_first, c_middle, c_id, c_street_1, c_street_2, c_city,
c_state, c_zip, c_phone, c_credit,c_credit_lim, c_discount, c_balance,
c_since FROM customer WHERE c_w_id =3D %d AND c_d_id =3D %d AND c_last =3D
'%s' ORDER BY c_first;
=09=09=09SELECT c_first, c_middle, c_last,  c_street_1, c_street_2,
c_city,c_state, c_zip, c_phone, c_credit,c_credit_lim, c_discount,
c_balance, c_since FROM customer WHERE c_w_id =3D %d AND c_d_id =3D %d AND
c_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09SELECT c_data FROM customer WHERE c_w_id =3D %d AND c_d_id =3D %d=
AND c_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09UPDATE customer SET c_balance =3D %f, c_ytd_payment =3D c_ytd_paym=
ent +
%f, c_payment_cnt =3D c_payment_cnt +1 , c_data=3D'%s' WHERE c_w_id =3D %d
AND c_d_id =3D %d AND c_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09UPDATE customer SET c_balance =3D %f, c_ytd_payment =3D c_ytd_paym=
ent +
%f, c_payment_cnt =3D c_payment_cnt +1 WHERE c_w_id =3D %d AND c_d_id =3D
%d AND c_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09UPDATE district SET d_ytd =3D d_ytd + %f WHERE d_w_id =3D %d AND d=
_id =3D %d;
=09=09=09INSERT INTO history (h_c_d_id, h_c_w_id, h_c_id, h_d_id,
h_w_id,h_date, h_amount, h_data) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %f,
=09=09=09UPDATE warehouse SET w_ytd =3D w_ytd + %f WHERE w_id =3D %d;
=095:stock_level(step by step)
=09=09=09SELECT d_next_o_id FROM district WHERE d_w_id =3D %d AND d_id =3D =
=09=09=09SELECT count(DISTINCT (s_i_id) ) FROM order_line, stock WHERE
ol_w_id  =3D %d AND ol_d_id =3D %d AND ol_o_id < %d AND ol_o_id>=3D%d AND
s_w_id =3D ol_w_id AND s_i_id =3D ol_i_id AND s_quantity < %d;
our test result is :
=09for mysql 5.0.12 , we can pass the 60 Warehouse test use 10 connect
pool and simulate 600users ,and the result list:
=09=09Transaction | % | Avg Response Time (s) | Total | Rollback=
s |     %
=09=09delivery | 4.02 | 1.109 | 7962 | =
7 |  0.09
=09=09new-order | 44.87 | 0.700 | 88944 | 124=
6 |  1.40
=09=09order-status | 4.01 | 1.014 | 7939 | =
0 |  0.00
=09=09payment | 43.10 | 0.797 | 85439 | 328=
2 |  3.84
=09=09stock-level | 4.00 | 1.544 | 7931 | =
0 |  0.00
=09=09739.01 new-order transactions per minute (NOTPM)
=09=09119.8 minute duration
=09=090 total unknown errors
=09=09Transaction | 90th percentile Response Time (s) | Max Response Ti=
me (s)
=09=09delivery | 2.205 | =
=09=09new-order | 1.721 | =
=09=09order-status | 2.185 | =
=09=09payment | 1.894 | =
=09=09stock-level | 3.233 | =
=09but we can't pass 70 warehouse test use 10 connect pool and simulate
700users. the result and mysqlreport list is:
=09=09test result:
=09=09=09Transaction  |     % | Avg Response Time (s)    |    Total |
Rollbacks |     %
=09=09=09delivery | 4.03 | 7.106 | 1212 | =
1 |  0.08
=09=09=09new-order | 44.99 | 6.396 | 13524 | =
211 |  1.56
=09=09=09order-status | 3.91 | 6.919 | 1175 | =
0 |  0.00
=09=09=09payment | 43.00 | 6.639 | 12926 | =
571 |  4.42
=09=09=09stock-level | 4.08 | 7.743 | 1226 | =
0 |  0.00
=09=09=09679.33 new-order transactions per minute (NOTPM)
=09=09=0919.8 minute duration
=09=09=090 total unknown errors
=09=09=09Transaction | 90th percentile Response Time (s) | Max Response=
Time (s)
=09=09=09delivery | 9.112 | =
=09=09=09new-order | 8.376 | =
=09=09=09order-status | 8.893 | =
=09=09=09payment | 8.640 | =
=09=09=09stock-level | 10.130 | =
=09=09mysqlreport export:
=09=09=09__ Key ___________________________________________________________=
=09=09=09Buffer usage        0 of   4.00M  %Used:   0.00
=09=09=09Write ratio      0.00
=09=09=09Read ratio       0.00
=09=09=09__ Questions _____________________________________________________=
=09=09=09Total         969.15k  548.79/s
=09  =09=09DMS         930.97k  527.16/s  %Total:  96.06
=09  =09=09Com_         38.18k   21.62/s            3.94
=09  =09=09COM_QUIT         16    0.01/s            0.00
=09  =09=09-Unknown         10    0.01/s            0.00
=09=09=09Slow               23    0.01/s            0.00  %DMS:   0.00
=09=09=09DMS           930.97k  527.16/s           96.06
=09  =09=09SELECT      452.29k  256.11/s           46.67         48.58
=09  =09=09UPDATE      261.06k  147.83/s           26.94         28.04
=09  =09=09INSERT      203.32k  115.13/s           20.98         21.84
=09  =09=09DELETE       14.29k    8.09/s            1.47          1.54
=09  =09=09REPLACE           0    0.00/s            0.00          0.00
=09=09=09Com_           38.18k   21.62/s            3.94
=09  =09=09commit       34.27k   19.41/s            3.54
=09  =09=09set_option    2.90k    1.64/s            0.30
=09  =09=09rollback        984    0.56/s            0.10
=09=09=09__ SELECT and Sort _______________________________________________=
=09=09=09Scan               20    0.01/s %SELECT:   0.00
=09=09=09Range           1.43k    0.81/s            0.32
=09=09=09Full join           0    0.00/s            0.00
=09=09=09Range check         0    0.00/s            0.00
=09=09=09Full rng join       0    0.00/s            0.00
=09=09=09Sort scan           0    0.00/s
=09=09=09Sort range          0    0.00/s
=09=09=09Sort mrg pass       0    0.00/s
=09=09=09__ Query Cache ___________________________________________________=
=09=09=09Memory usage    8.57k of  16.00M  %Used:   0.05
=09=09=09Block Fragmnt 100.00%
=09=09=09Hits                0    0.00/s
=09=09=09Inserts             1    0.00/s
=09=09=09Prunes              1    0.00/s
=09=09=09Insrt:Prune       1:1    0.00/s
=09=09=09Hit:Insert     0.00:1
=09=09=09__ Table Locks ___________________________________________________=
=09=09=09Waited              0    0.00/s  %Total:   0.00
=09=09=09Immediate     948.14k  536.89/s
=09=09=09__ Tables ________________________________________________________=
=09=09=09Open               70 of  200    %Cache:  35.00
=09=09=09Opened             82    0.05/s
=09=09=09__ Connections ___________________________________________________=
=09=09=09Max used           11 of  100      %Max:  11.00
=09=09=09Total              18    0.01/s
=09=09=09__ Created Temp __________________________________________________=
=09=09=09Disk table          0    0.00/s
=09=09=09Table           1.45k    0.82/s
=09=09=09File                3    0.00/s
=09for sqlserver200,we can pass 100 warehouse test.

so,we think mysql's performance is better than sqlserver ,but we can't
get the good test result.

best regard

george yang

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