
Do you have your Slave is still trying to reconnect? If yes, are

you sure that you don't have network problems?

> I have a script checking for when the replication fails but that does

>not  include this type problem. Is this a bug in replication or do I

>need to update my script to check for this ?

Replication fails sometimes. I haven't found similar bug, but if

you able perform an upgrade to the latest release. Often it helps.

If you want to debug the problem make a research of the binary logs

to find out the weird even, which causes Slave to reconnect. See:


Marvin Wright wrote:

> Hi,


> I found this morning that the slave replication thread seem to have hung.

> Below I have pasted in my show slave status, it seems to be stuck trying to

> connect to the master.

> To fix this I issued a stop slave and start slave, my slave is about 3 weeks

> behind now.


> I have a script checking for when the replication fails but that does not

> include this type problem. Is this a bug in replication or do I need to

> update my script to check for this ?


> I'm running version 4.1.12 on Redhat AS3.


> Many Thanks


> Marvin.


>  mysql> show slave status\G

> *************************** 1. row ***************************

>              Slave_IO_State: Reconnecting after a failed master event read

>                 Master_Host: prdmysql01.prd.lastminute.com

>                 Master_User: web

>                 Master_Port: 3306

>               Connect_Retry: 60

>             Master_Log_File: prdmysql01-bin.000118

>         Read_Master_Log_Pos: 15561995

>              Relay_Log_File: prdmysql02-relay-bin.000001

>               Relay_Log_Pos: 80882143

>       Relay_Master_Log_File: prdmysql01-bin.000118

>            Slave_IO_Running: Yes

>           Slave_SQL_Running: Yes

>             Replicate_Do_DB: 

>         Replicate_Ignore_DB: 

>          Replicate_Do_Table: 

>      Replicate_Ignore_Table: 

>     Replicate_Wild_Do_Table: 

> Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table: 

>                  Last_Errno: 0

>                  Last_Error: 

>                Skip_Counter: 0

>         Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 15561995

>             Relay_Log_Space: 80882143

>             Until_Condition: None

>              Until_Log_File: 

>               Until_Log_Pos: 0

>          Master_SSL_Allowed: No

>          Master_SSL_CA_File: 

>          Master_SSL_CA_Path: 

>             Master_SSL_Cert: 

>           Master_SSL_Cipher: 

>              Master_SSL_Key: 

>       Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL

> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)



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