Bill Adams wrote:

That's a very reasonable answer.  Thanks for pointing me to the
examples.  This one addresses the second question:
html .  There is no example answering both questions in one query.


Right.  The key is in the questions you posed in your first post:

SELECT hostname, volname, qtreename, round(avg(used/allocated*100),0), round(avg(used)), allocated, available
FROM quota_entries
WHERE date_sub(now(), interval 1 day) < timestamp
GROUP BY qtreename, hostname

My questions: From which of the several averaged rows do 'allocated' and 'available' come in the results? Can I control this? I would like the row with maximum timestamp.

You don't get rows with GROUP BY. Instead, you get group names and aggregate functions. In your query, qtreename and hostname define the groups, and AVG() is an aggregate function. That leaves volname, allocated, and available. Other systems wouldn't even allow this query, because those 3 are neither aggregate functions nor named in the GROUP BY. MySQL allows this as a convenience, but you are warned not to use columns whose values vary within groups <>.

As mysql assumes a unique value of volname, allocated, and available per group, it is free to pull those values out of *any* row in the group. In practice, it seems to use the first row found per group (for efficiency, I expect), but you should treat it as if it were random.

So, there just isn't a one-query solution. You should be able to modify the example Shawn pointed to in the manual to do what you want, though. If you store the two averages along with the max timestamp per group in a temporary table with your first query, you can join your table to the temp table in your second query to get what you want. Something like this:

## Create the temp table.  Adjust the column types to fit
  (  qtreename CHAR(30),
     hostname CHAR(30),
     max_time TIMESTAMP,
     percent INT,
     used INT

  LOCK TABLES quota_entries READ;

## Put the aggregate values for each group into the temp table
  INSERT INTO group_stats
  SELECT qtreename, hostname,
  FROM quota_entries
  WHERE timestamp > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY
  GROUP BY qtreename, hostname;

## Join your table to the temp table to get your results
  SELECT qe.hostname, qe.volname, qe.qtreename,
         gs.used, gs.percent,
         qe.allocated, qe.available
  FROM group_stats gs
  JOIN quota_entries qe
    ON  qe.qtreename = gs.qtreename
    AND qe.hostname = gs.hostname
    AND qe.timestamp = gs.max_time

## Clean up
  DROP TABLE group_stats;


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