
Have a look here:


Jon Drukman wrote:

> Master and slaves are both Mysql 4.1.14 standard.  There are six slaves,

> and this error kept happening on #2 and #4, but then it stopped.  I

> thought it was all gone for good but today it happened on #3.


> The symptom is:  Replication stops with the following error:

> Error 'Can't find file: './gspot/product.frm' (errno: 24)' on query.

> Default database: 'gspot'. Query: 'UPDATE product SET rdate='2006-06-30'

> WHERE id=928302 LIMIT 1'



> The actual file and query change from occurence to occurence.  In all

> cases, the file is actually present on the disk.  Logging in to the

> slave and executing SLAVE START causes replication to resume normally.


> Here's the full output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS:


> Slave_IO_State = Waiting for master to send event

> Master_Host = c10-gs-stage1.cnet.com

> Master_User = replica

> Master_Port = 3306

> Connect_Retry = 60

> Master_Log_File = c10-gs-stage1-bin.000001

> Read_Master_Log_Pos = 218146109

> Relay_Log_File = c17-gs-db-slave3-relay-bin.000002

> Relay_Log_Pos = 217866316

> Relay_Master_Log_File = c10-gs-stage1-bin.000001

> Slave_IO_Running = Yes

> Slave_SQL_Running = No

> Replicate_Do_DB = gspot,gfaqs

> Replicate_Ignore_DB =

> Replicate_Do_Table =

> Replicate_Ignore_Table =

> Replicate_Wild_Do_Table =

> Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table =

> Last_Errno = 1017

> Last_Error = Error 'Can't find file: './gspot/product.frm' (errno: 24)'

> on query. Default database: 'gspot'. Query: 'UPDATE product SET

> rdate='2006-06-30' WHERE id=928302 LIMIT 1'

> Skip_Counter = 0

> Exec_Master_Log_Pos = 217866265

> Relay_Log_Space = 218146160

> Until_Condition = None

> Until_Log_File =

> Until_Log_Pos = 0

> Master_SSL_Allowed = No

> Master_SSL_CA_File =

> Master_SSL_CA_Path =

> Master_SSL_Cert =

> Master_SSL_Cipher =

> Master_SSL_Key =

> Seconds_Behind_Master =



> I could just add error 1017 to the ignore list, I guess, but this gives

> me the heebie jeebies.  Any ideas?


> -jsd-



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