  MySQL Version Server version: 4.1.14-log
  I've been gettting "random" truncate commands as seen below:
  Once/day at a seemingly random time it happens.
 I have no code that issues a truncate command and I've changed and limited
connections to the MySQL server.
  # at 2939766
#051101 16:56:27 server id 1 log_pos 2939766 Query thread_id=14017
exec_time=0 error_code=0
use ecom;
SET TIMESTAMP=1130889387;
truncate table CC_info;
# at 2939832
#051101 16:56:27 server id 1 log_pos 2939832 Query thread_id=14017
exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1130889387;
truncate table cart;
   Could someone please point me in the right directions to troubleshoot
this problem.
 Is there a way to see which user issued the truncate command?

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