I think you should go through the change log just incase. Especially if you are 
using one of the api's in your apps (php, etc...). Don't be rash about 
upgrading if it is production.

Sent from my NYPL BlackBerry Handheld.

----- Original Message -----
From: Nathan Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11/07/2005 03:19 PM
To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Linux Yum DELETED mysql 4! Can I install mysql 5 and be on my way?

On FC3, for some silly reason, Yum deleted my mysql 4.1x production server!
I do have my data. Now that I am in this hole, maybe I should go to mysql 5.
Can I install mysql 5, and it will migrate/work with my existing data?


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