I see what you're saying.  That won't really help, because I'll still be
duplicating changes in the update and insert triggers every time I add a
new field.  The hope was that I would only need to do it once.  Your
method sounds like it could become costly from an execution time
perspective if a lot of fields require the validation.


For example, one field has to be >= 0, so I put this validation


If new.sector < 0 then

  Set new.sector := 0;

End if;


For the time being, I have that in two separate triggers, the INSERT and
the UPDATE triggers.  Where as Oracle would allow me to define the
trigger as "on UPDATE or INSERT on <tablename>"


I guess I'll have to do it the long way, and keep an eye out for changes
to MySQL that will allow me to optimize it later.






Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 9:59 AM
To: Burke, Dan
Cc: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Re: Triggers that handle multiple events (insert and update)


"Burke, Dan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/09/2005 09:05:50 AM:

> Hello,
> Can triggers in 5.0 handle multiple events?  I have some range
> I'd like to enforce at the database level when inserting or updating a
> record, and I'm finding myself duplicating trigger code to make an
> INSERT and an UPDATE trigger, which makes it harder to maintain in the
> long run, especially considering I want to do this for multiple
> I looked through the documentation and couldn't find any example, and
> then did some experimenting, but I could not get what I'm looking for.
> It could be the fact that I'm stuck in an Oracle mentality when it
> to triggers, so maybe there's a different way to do what I want to do
> without duplicating code.  Like can I pass the "new" object to a
> procedure and do the checking in there?  (what would be the syntax to
> create that procedure if it's possible?)  That way I could still have
> one only place to do the range/limit checking.
> I dislike duplicating code (mainly because I know myself).  Inevitably
> I'll forget to update one or the other place and get burned for it
> I least suspect it.  But if this is a symptom of mysql triggers being
> young still, where is the best place to submit a feature request? :)
> Thanks,
> Dan.

I wouldn't use a stored procedure but a FUNCTION to do the validation.
The trigger fires for each row and there isn't a row-type data type so
you are going to need to pass into the function each field you need to
evaluate. Overall, I don't see why you have to write two functions but
you will need to define two triggers and point each of them to the
common validation function. 


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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