mos wrote:
> Another user privately e-mailed me the errors of my ways.<g>
> Here is the problem (returns 0 rows):
>> > select * from table1 t1 left join table2 t2 on
>> > t1.date1=t2.date2 where
>> > t2.date2 is null
>> > where'Smith'
> Here is the solution:
> select * from table1 t1 left join table2 t2 on t1.date1 = t2.date2 AND
> = 'Smith' WHERE t2.date2 is null;
> I had to move another reference of t2 from the Where clause to the Join,
> namely'Smith' gets moved to the join. I thought I had done this
> before but I left one reference in the Where clause that prevented any
> rows from being returned.It appears the conditional in the join clause
> gets executed before the rows are joined, and the Where clause gets
> executed after the join.
> Mike

David Turner wrote:
It appears mysql recommends against the solution given
to you

 You should generally not have any conditions in the
ON part that are used to restrict which rows you want
in the result set, but rather specify these conditions
in the WHERE clause. There are exceptions to this

If you could send a sample of table1, table2, and the
result set you want to arrive at I'd appreciate it.

There has been some debate on this list as to whether or not that's good advice, but, in any case, this is one of the "exceptions to this rule" mentioned in the manual. This is because of the way the LEFT JOIN works. Rows in the left table which match restrictions in the WHERE clause are guaranteed to show up in the results, whether or not there is a corresponding row in the right table. That correspondence is determined by the ON clause. If there is no matching row on the right side of the join, as determined by the ON clause, a single matching row is created with NULLs in the columns of the table on the right. Conditions in the WHERE clause referring to the table on the right are applied after the join. Hence,

  FROM table1 t1
  LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.date1=t2.date2
  WHERE t2.date2 IS NULL

is unlikely to return any results, because t2.date2 is only NULL if there is no matching row on the right, but then is also NULL.

To work, this query must be

  FROM table1 t1
  LEFT JOIN table2 t2
    ON t1.date1=t2.date2 AND'Smith'
  WHERE t2.date2 IS NULL;

That is, rows on the right only match if they have the correct date2 *and* the correct name. If there are no matching rows, then we get NULLs. The WHERE clause restricts the results to only the non-matching case. You see?

See the manual for details <>.


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