Jake Peavy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/26/2005 07:54:22 PM:

> Also, do you know if there is any way at all to do the tiniest amount of
> research on my own to find out even the most basic information about 
> without bothering an entire worldwide mailing list with my trivial
> questions?

RTFM?  http://dev.mysql.com/doc/
Search the archives of the mailing list? http://lists.mysql.com/
Search the forums? http://forums.mysql.com/


The research is easy as all of these sources have search features. If you 
come to an actual question that you could not answer from any of these 
sources, you are most welcome to bother us. I think we all remember what 
it's like to be newbies and most of us didn't have the web or emails or 
much else to rely on to learn from. We are happy to help but we do hope 
for a minimum of effort from the person asking the questiono to find the 
answer on their own first. 

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you 
feed him for life." (Chinese proverb)

We give away a lot of fish on this list but I think most of us try to 
teach as we go. See you soon!

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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