I'm sorry, I' just gotta interject.

800 hits/second is not that big of a deal.

I've got a client running an affiliate tracking system across several high traffic domains. To properly scale this we had to do some testing.

Using a Dell 2800 w/2GB of RAM and a single HD (not the greatest setup) I was able to get 1,3000 inserts per second. It sustained this level for 10 minutes before I got tired of watching it.

The final application takes inserts from 20 web servers in a cluster as well as serving the affiliates their front end which does data mining (mainly reads) from yet another server.

MySQL clusters are an interesting idea but IMHO unless you've got a serious MySQL guru on staff and on-call 24x7, I'd steer clear of them until you've exhausted every other option. (We've looked at them but we're just too scared to actually put one in production...)

Have you calculated the aprox # of reads and writes you will be doing? (Estimate how much traffic you wan, computer your reads and writes based on that and them triple that in case you suddenly become very popular.) Then start playing around with MySQL. There are lots of knobs to twiddle. Also, make sure you select the right OS. As far as I can tell (and granted we only have 15 MySQL servers running) Linux is the best platform for MySQL. (Has to do with the threading.)

One of the biggest things you can do is separate MySQL from everything else. I know, it sounds stupid but I'm still amazed at how many people still try to run everything on one box! MySQL loves lots of RAM to run in. Let it have as much as it wants.

Hook your servers together with a back-end, private network. Keeps your mysql traffic off your public interface and your back interface will be less busy so your database traffic won't have to fight for bandwidth. (Also, unless you really HAVE to, don't let your MySQL daemon listen to your public interface. One more small security measure)

Now if you are just trolling for someone to get pissed about this article's back-handed slap at MySQL, nobody's taking the bait. If it's good enough for finance.yahoo.com, I'm guessing your application just isn't gonna pose a challenge.

All of this was said with a smile on my face...not trying to pick a fight or come across rude. Just trying to pass on what I've learned.

| Cal Evans
| http://www.calevans.com

mos wrote:
At 11:23 PM 12/5/2005, you wrote:


We are planning to create a social software similar to friendster and Im
working on the requirements... I saw a site:


        and for some reasons its telling me not to use MySQL, the initial
infrastructure is a scale out hmmm starting with 4 data nodes cluster..


Where did they say they don't recommend MySQL? They eventually recommended using MySQL with Master-Master clusters. After all they're getting up to 800 hits.second and have 60+ servers. As someone else said, clusters may be the way to go.


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