Perumal, Jai wrote:

We install the mysql version 5.0.16 on Linux Red hat as the root operating
system user. After the install we changed the ownership and group to a mysql
UNIX user. We tested starting and stopping the mysql server using the mysql
UNIX user account and it worked fine.
But when we reboot the Linux server, the /etc/init.d/mysql script starts the
mysql server processes as the root user not as the mysql UNIX user.  What is
the best way to start the mysql server with the mysql UNIX owing the mysql
server processes instead of it starting with the root user owing the mysql
processes, when using the /etc/init.d/mysql script and the server reboots?

Thanks & Regards


# /usr/sbin/mysqld --help | grep "\-\-user"
  -u, --user=name     Run mysqld daemon as user

You could also read : 4.3. Specifying Program Options

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